Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Exchange 2003 can't create mailbox.

Usually when I create a user in active directory it ask me automaticly to create a mailbox and everything get done automaticly. Now I can't create a mailbox when I create a new user in active directory. Active Directory asked all the info, the administrative group the mailbox name etc... the process seem to be successfull but nothing get created. If I do a search by mailbox in active directory I can find the mailbox. But if I try to find the mailbox using outlook it fail all the time. Can't find the mailbox name it says. User do not appear in the global access list either. The only moment where I can see the mailbox is when I'm doing a search for mailbox under active directory. If I open the user profile under active directory and I go under e-mail addresses... there is no smtp address created nor X 400.... If I add them manualy it still doesnt work. Please assist.

Rescipient Update Service is not stamping email address...

Check this:

You have a problem with the recipient update service. Try running RUS manually through ESM.


If you run Outlook in "on-line" mode instead of cached mode -- do you see the mailboxes then? It can take a while for the Address Book to update in caced mode -- sometimes a day or two.

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