Thursday, January 30, 2014


  • Notes on the Synthesis of Form
  • The Timeless Way of Building
  • A Pattern Language
  • The Oregon Experiment
為什麼要讀Alexander的書?很簡單,因為很多「大師」在學習的過程中,也都讀了Alexander的書。例如GoF的Design Patterns,這本書算是設計模式領域的「聖經」,光是把GoF的書讀懂,就已經很厲害了。但是,等一下,GoF的靈感是來自於Alexander的建築模式。如果要真的成為「大師中的大師」、「魔人中的魔人」,光是看完GoF的書是不夠的,還必須要追本朔源,了解Alexander的想法,知道為什麼這些想法會影響GoF。
  • Extreme Programming Explained, 2nd, by Kent Beck(Kent Beck的影響力不用多說了,光是XP與TDD就打掛一堆人了 XD)
  • The Design of Design, by Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.(人月神話作者)
  • About Face 3 : The Essentials of Interaction Design by Alan Cooper(很多UI/UX設計師都讀過About Face 3這本書,但卻很少人讀過Alexander的書)
  • The Psychology of Everyday Things, by Donald A. Norman(這本書更不用說了,看過的人可能比About Face 3更多)

Donald A. Norman在他的書中說:
…The other architects whose work has influenced me are not builders; they are thinkers and designers, in particular, Alexander and this colleagues at the University of California, Berkeley.
讀了大師(Kent Beck、Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.、Alan Cooper、Donald A. Norman)的書,略有小成之後有資格成為大師門派的信徒。讀了大師讀的書,略有小成之後有可能可以自立門派,或是有能力將大師的想法發揚光大。這就是程度上的差別。


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

check monitor color

Simple Affordable Solution for color calibrating a single display…

Spyder4express™ features a patented, full-spectrum 7-color sensor that can accurately characterize a variety of wide gamut and normal displays. Spyder4express software lets you use the same sensor to calibrate your computer, iPad, iPhone and Android devices (with the free Spydergallery App). No other calibrator has this capability. The fourth-generation sensor uses double-shielded filters for longer life and better performance. On average, accuracy and precision are improved by 26% and 19% respectively.

Why Color Calibrate Your Display?
Displays render the same image differently: Calibration tunes your display to a reference standard and brings color consistency across desktop, laptop, iPad, iPhone and Android devices.
Displays change over time: Recalibration returns it to reference state for brightness and color
Prints often do not match display: Display calibration provides a base for better print matching
Wide gamut displays may be oversaturated: Without calibration even wide-gamut displays may be inaccurate.
Highlight and shadow details may be inaccurate: Control of brightness, white point and tone response with calibration.
Image colors are not true to life: After calibration, images can be viewed and edited with confidence
Photographers and designers can work confidently on a properly color calibrated screen and can assert greater control over the color fidelity of their digital process. Images can be reliably assessed and adjusted on a properly calibrated display, enabling true-to-life reproduction of image files.

How Does Spyder4express Work?
Spyder4express automates and simplifies display calibration. Install the software, attach the color sensor to USB, and step through the wizard. The sensor measures a series of colors on your screen and creates a “profile” that brings your display to a reference state. At the end, you can compare how the images look before and after calibration.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

尋找 memory error 的強力工具: Address Sanitizer (ASan)

官網有很詳細的介紹, ASan 可以偵測出以下的問題:

Use after free (dangling pointer dereference)
Heap buffer overflow
Stack buffer overflow
Global buffer overflow
Use after return
都是出錯時很難察覺, 之後會造成奇異的行為, 或是讓程式掛在莫明奇妙的地方。

clang 3.1 和 gcc 4.8 開始內建 ASan 的功能。號稱執行速度平均慢兩倍, 比起 Valgrind 的 20 倍, 實在相當誘人。這裡有說明 ASan 怎麼做的。這樣在 Linux 上也有不錯的 memory error detector 了。不知什麼時候能追上 OS X 的腳步

除了 Chromium 有用之外, Firefox 也有使用


Thursday, January 23, 2014

To mount a CD, specify the filesystem

To mount a CD, specify the filesystem
# mount -t cd9660 /dev/cd0 /mnt

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Set up VLAN on pfSense and Cisco Layer Two Switch

Set up VLAN on pfSense and Cisco Layer Two Switch

Internet --- (ext) Router (int) --- (port 1) Layer 2 Switch

VLAN setting on pfSense
Step 1: To determine whether your LAN network card driver supports 802.1Q VLAN tagging by looking for the VLAN_MTU and VLAN_HWTAGGING options in ifconfig command:
 - ifconfig
 - output: em0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500

Step 2: Interfaces > (assign) > VLANs tab > Add VLAN:
 - Parent interface: em0 (your LAN network card).
 - VLAN tag: 2
 - Description: IT
 - Repeat the steps for VLAN3.

Step 3: Interfaces > Select Opt 1
 - check "Enable Interface".
 - Description: VLAN2
 - IPv4 Configuration Type: Static IPv4
 - IPv4 Address: / 24
 - Gateway: none
 - Click on "Save" Button
 - Repeat the steps for VLAN3.

Step 4: Firewall > NAT > Outbound tab > Add new mapping:
 - Interface: WAN
 - Protocol: any
 - Source Type: Network
 - Source Address: / 24
 - Source port: (leave blank for any)
 - Destination Type: any
 - Destination Port: (leave blank for any)
 - Description: VLAN2 IT
 - Click on "Save" button
 - Repeat the steps for VLAN3

Step 5: Firewall > Rules > VLAN2 tab > Add new rule:
 - Action: pass
 - Interface: VLAN2
 - TCP/IP version: IPv4
 - Protocol: any
 - Source Type: VLAN2 subnet
 - Destination Type: any
 - Description: VLAN2 to any
 - Repeat the steps for VLAN3

VLAN Plan on Cisco Layer Two Switch
Port 1       // VLAN1 (the default VLAN).
Port 2, 3, 4 // VLAN2
Port 5, 6, 7 // VLAN3

Interface Settings
Port 1: Interface VLAN Mode: Trunk
Port 2, 3, 4: Interface VLAN Mode: Access
Port 5, 6, 7: Interface VLAN Mode: Access

Port VLAN Membership

Port 1: Join VLAN:
 - Add VLAN1 UP (Untagged member, PVID).
 - Add VLAN2 T (Tagged member).
 - Add VLAN3 T (Tagged member).

Note: Port 1 有比較安全的設法是:
 - Remove VLAN 1
 - Add VLAN99 UP (Untagged member, PVID).
 - Add VLAN2 T (Tagged member).
 - Add VLAN3 T (Tagged member).
 - Note: 這樣的設法是,沒有加到 自定義的 VLAN 的 ports 就認不得 Port 1 (也就是對外的 gateway),以防有任何人未經允許把網線插到沒被定義的 ports。

Port 2, 3, 4: Join VLAN:
 - Remove VLAN1.
 - Add VLAN2 UP (Untagged member, PVID).

Port 5, 6, 7: Join VLAN:
 - Remove VLAN1.
 - Add VLAN3 UP (Untagged member, PVID).

Monday, January 20, 2014




1. 糾結於過去


2. 不願踏出舒適地帶(comfort zone)


3. 拒聽別人的意見


4. 避免改變


5. 思想封閉


6. 讓別人替自己做決定


7. 嫉妒別人的成功


8. 總是想失敗的機率有多高


9. 自憐自艾


10. 專注在自己的弱點上


11. 想要四面玲瓏


12. 為無法控制的事自責


13. 耐性不足


14. 被人誤解


15. 覺得被虧欠


16. 重蹈覆轍


17. 屈服於自己的恐懼


18. 魯莽行事


19. 拒絕別人伸援


20. 率先放棄


Friday, January 17, 2014

Command to determine whether the network card supports IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tagging on FreeBSD

Look for the VLAN_MTU and VLAN_HWTAGGING options in ifconfig command
# ifconfig | grep VLAN

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

svn Error converting entry in directory to UTF-8

Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 01:40:00 -0700 (PDT)
From: svn@j-www.local (Cron Daemon)
To: svn@j-www.local
Subject: Cron /usr/local/bin/svn update --username MYUSERNAME --password MYPASSWORD --non-interactive

Updating '/www/web_hosting':
svn: E000022: Error converting entry in directory '/www/web_hosting/' to UTF-8
svn: E000022: Can't convert string from native encoding to 'UTF-8':
svn: E000022: G?\195?\169oM?\195?\169gA.html

Method 1:

Since the svn server stores everything in utf-8, and crontab is using /bin/sh shell. So, we need to add:

# vi /etc/crontab
*/5 * * * * svn export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 && /usr/local/bin/svn update --username MYUSERNAME --password MYPASSWORD --non-interactive /www/web_hosting > /dev/null 2>&1

Method 2:
Run the command with tcsh:

# vi /etc/crontab
*/5 * * * * svn tcsh -c "/usr/local/bin/svn update --username MYUSERNAME --password MYPASSWORD --non-interactive /www/web_hosting" > /dev/null 2>&1

Make sure you do have following setting:

# vi ~svn/.cshrc
setenv LC_ALL en_US.UTF-8
setenv LANG en_US.UTF-8

Monday, January 6, 2014

To register ASP .NET to IIS server

start > run > cmd >
cmd> cd C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319
cmd> aspnet_regiis -i
cmd> iisreset

install MySQL as a Windows Service

cmd> mysqld.exe --install MySQL56

Friday, January 3, 2014

list all mapping key binding - Displaying the current Vim environment

list all mapping key binding - Displaying the current Vim environment

You can display the current Vim environment (settings, options, commands, maps, etc) using the following commands:

:abbreviate   - list abbreviations
:args         - argument list
:augroup      - augroups
:autocmd      - list auto-commands
:buffers      - list buffers
:breaklist    - list current breakpoints
:cabbrev      - list command mode abbreviations
:changes      - changes
:cmap         - list command mode maps
:command      - list commands
:compiler     - list compiler scripts
:digraphs     - digraphs
:file         - print filename, cursor position and status (like Ctrl-G)
:filetype     - on/off settings for filetype detect/plugins/indent
:function     - list user-defined functions (names and argument lists but not the full code)
:function Foo - user-defined function Foo() (full code list)
:highlight    - highlight groups
:history c    - command history
:history =    - expression history
:history s    - search history
:history      - your commands
:iabbrev      - list insert mode abbreviations
:imap         - list insert mode maps
:intro        - the Vim splash screen, with summary version info
:jumps        - your movements
:language     - current language settings
:let          - all variables
:let FooBar   - variable FooBar
:let g:       - global variables
:let v:       - Vim variables
:list         - buffer lines (many similar commands)
:lmap         - language mappings (set by keymap or by lmap)
:ls           - buffers
:ls!          - buffers, including "unlisted" buffers
:map!         - Insert and Command-line mode maps (imap, cmap)
:map          - Normal and Visual mode maps (nmap, vmap, xmap, smap, omap)
:map<buffer>  - buffer local Normal and Visual mode maps
:map!<buffer> - buffer local Insert and Command-line mode maps
:marks        - marks
:menu         - menu items
:messages     - message history
:nmap         - Normal-mode mappings only
:omap         - Operator-pending mode mappings only
:print        - display buffer lines (useful after :g or with a range)
:reg          - registers
:scriptnames  - all scripts sourced so far
:set all      - all options, including defaults
:setglobal    - global option values
:setlocal     - local option values
:set          - options with non-default value
:set termcap  - list terminal codes and terminal keys
:smap         - Select-mode mappings only
:spellinfo    - spellfiles used
:syntax       - syntax items
:syn sync     - current syntax sync mode
:tabs         - tab pages
:tags         - tag stack contents
:undolist     - leaves of the undo tree
:verbose      - show info about where a map or autocmd or function is defined
:version      - list version and build options
:vmap         - Visual and Select mode mappings only
:winpos       - Vim window position (gui)
:xmap         - visual mode maps only

Additional information is available to a Vim script. For example, :help tabpagebuflist() shows how to list all buffers in all tabs.

A script called bugreport.vim is provided with Vim. When run, the script produces a file with information about Vim's environment. To see the script, use the command :view $VIMRUNTIME/bugreport.vim in Vim.
