Wednesday, July 21, 2010

my vimrc setting file

# cat > ~/.vimrc
" change the color of comment
hi Comment ctermfg=darkmagenta

set number
"set cindent
set smartindent
set autoindent
set expandtab
set tabstop=2
set shiftwidth=2
"set cinkeys=0{,0},:,0#,!,!^F

" comments
iab cc #
iab CC /**<CR> *<CR>*/<UP>

" Assembly - function template
iab fun .type,@function<CR>start_label:<CR> pushl %ebp<CR>movl %esp, %ebp<CR><CR><LEFT><LEFT>end_label:<CR> movl %ebp, %esp<CR>popl %ebp<CR>ret<ESC>8ka

" Assembly - Registers (getchar() function is used to eat last space)
iab ax %eax<ESC>a<c-o>:call getchar()<CR>
iab bx %ebx<ESC>a<c-o>:call getchar()<CR>
iab cx %ecx<ESC>a<c-o>:call getchar()<CR>
iab dx %edx<ESC>a<c-o>:call getchar()<CR>
iab di %edi<ESC>a<c-o>:call getchar()<CR>
iab si %esi<ESC>a<c-o>:call getchar()<CR>
iab bp %ebp<ESC>a<c-o>:call getchar()<CR>
iab sp %esp<ESC>a<c-o>:call getchar()<CR>
iab ip %eip<ESC>a<c-o>:call getchar()<CR>
iab fl %eflags<ESC>a<c-o>:call getchar()<CR>

" Assembly - Instructions
iab mv movl
iab inc incl
iab dec decl
iab pu pushl
iab po popl
iab add addl
iab sub subl
iab mul imull
iab j jmp
iab cmp cmpl

" Sample
"iab <t <target name="%"></target><Esc>F%s<c-o>:call getchar()<CR>

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