Wednesday, November 25, 2009

GCC Compile C into asm, hving the corresponding C code next to the asm, possible?

GCC Compile C into asm, hving the corresponding C code next to the asm, possible?

Is there a parameter in GCC that allow you to compile
C into assembly, whilst also having the corresponding C
code next to the generated assembly?

For example:
ubuntubox> gcc -S -?? helloworld.c

ubuntubox> cat helloworld.s
.globl main
.type main,@function
pushl %ebp
movl %esp,%ebp
pushl $.LC0
call printf /* printf("Hello, world!\n"); */
addl $4,%esp
xorl %eax,%eax
jmp .L1
leave /*return 0;*/

Something like that??

Many Thanks,



> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: []
> >Sent: 04 February 2002 19:29
> Hi again Eddy!
> >- I use the -S option with GCC to learn about the confusing guts of RISC
> > assembler. Is there an option to GCC to add the C lines that produced the
> > assembler as comments? I only found -fverbose-asm but that didn't do.
> Yes, the compiler doesn't seem to have any way to do this. The best
> option is to build your code using -g and -O0, then use objdump like:
> powerpc-eabi-objdump -SD <.o file name>
> to get a listing back.

I'm basically a lurker using the old mc68k cross tools, but
I add the following flags to the gcc compile options to generate a
mixed source and assembly listing - does this help?

-Wa,-adhln,-L -g -c
If you compile with "-Wa,-adhln,-L -g -c", you get something like what you want coming up on stdout. (Courtesty of

Also the -fverbose-asm flag can be useful if you just want to know what variable is allocated to what register.

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