莫扎特(Wolfgang Mozart)3歲就會彈琴、4歲開始表演小提琴,5歲就能譜曲,因為他是音樂神童。」「威廉絲姐妹(Venus & Serena Williams)有絕佳的身材、體力和反射神經,是天生的網球選手啊!」在聊天嗑牙的話題中,我們常以「神童」「天才資優」來論斷某個人的卓越表現,那 些不可思議的奇蹟總是發生在別人身上,「自己沒有天分、就是比較差」變成絕佳的掩飾藉口,還沒努力過,就在潛意識裡將自己的能力劃地自限。
心理學家卡羅‧狄維克(Carol Dweck)曾經對「天分至上」的心態做了一項實驗。他將年齡相仿的小學生分成「認同才能是由天賦決定」的天才論組,以及「努力可以讓人更聰明」的努力論組,然後讓他們一起解題。
狄維克認為天才論組的「定型心態」(fixed mind-set)是讓自己表現不佳的終極理由,認為自己本來就比別人差,打從心底的相信自己無法更好,成為阻礙成長的關鍵。但努力論組的「成長心態」 (growth mind-set)則截然不同,篤信努力就會更好的人們,會把每次挫折轉換成自我改善的機會,反而意外地開啟了學習、發展和適應的可能。
馬修‧施雅德(Matthew Syed)是英國桌球第一高手,他觀察所有在運動場上表現優異的選手們,都經歷過了一萬個小時的磨練。
戴爾電腦(Dell)創辦人麥可.戴爾(Michael Dell):「我不喜歡只做我喜歡的事,我喜歡做能讓公司成功的事。」細膩觀察每次練習成果與預期表現之間的落差,從中獲得有用的反饋訊息 (feedback),試著調整錯誤,就能逐步改善缺失。堅持這三步驟:找到目標、進行練習、得到反饋,每個人都能仰望卓越。
哲學家亞里斯多德曾言:「卓越是經由訓練及漸漸習慣而來的,我們不是因為具備美德而舉止得宜,反而是因為舉止合宜而具備美德。只有自己切身體驗才能 發現,原來,卓越不是一種作為,而是習慣。」苦練「對的事情」、誠實面對自我成績,盡力改造自己,就像日本首富柳井正的名言:「每天每天,做到生厭地去 做,是成功的祕訣。」
Tips2 嚴格自律!
Tips3 別在乎外在眼光
(整理‧撰文 / 陳書榕 編輯 / 劉揚銘,本文取材自《經理人月刊》2012年4月號)
Monday, June 24, 2013
Saturday, June 22, 2013
jQuery UI DatePicker to show month year only
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Thursday, June 20, 2013
The Linux Programmer’s Toolbox
The Linux Programmer's Toolbox (Paperback) ~ John Fusco
Table of Contents
Prentice Hall Open Source Software Development Series
Who Should Read This Book
The Purpose of This Book
How to Read This Book
How This Book Is Organized
About the Author
Download ChapterDownload Chapter
1 TokenChapter 1. Downloading and Installing Open Source Tools
Section 1.1. Introduction
Section 1.2. What Is Open Source?
Section 1.3. What Does Open Source Mean to You?
Section 1.3.1. Finding Tools
Section 1.3.2. Distribution Formats
Section 1.4. An Introduction to Archive Files
Section 1.4.1. Identifying Archive Files
Section 1.4.2. Querying an Archive File
Section 1.4.3. Extracting Files from an Archive File
Section 1.5. Know Your Package Manager
Section 1.5.1. Choosing Source or Binary
Section 1.5.2. Working with Packages
Section 1.6. Some Words about Security and Packages
Section 1.6.1. The Need for Authentication
Section 1.6.2. Basic Package Authentication
Section 1.6.3. Package Authentication with Digital Signatures
Section 1.6.4. GPG Signatures with RPM
Section 1.6.5. When You Can’t Authenticate a Package
Section 1.7. Inspecting Package Contents
Section 1.7.1. How to Inspect Packages
Section 1.7.2. A Closer Look at RPM Packages
Section 1.7.3. A Closer Look at Debian Packages
Section 1.8. Keeping Packages up to Date
Section 1.8.1. Apt: Advanced Package Tool
Section 1.8.2. Yum: Yellowdog Updater Modified
Section 1.8.3. Synaptic: The GUI Front End for APT
Section 1.8.4. up2date: The Red Hat Package Updater
Section 1.9. Summary
Section 1.9.1. Tools Used in This Chapter
Section 1.9.2. Online References
Download ChapterDownload Chapter
1 TokenChapter 2. Building from Source
Section 2.1. Introduction
Section 2.2. Build Tools
Section 2.2.1. Background
Section 2.2.2. Understanding make
Section 2.2.3. How Programs Are Linked
Section 2.2.4. Understanding Libraries
Section 2.3. The Build Process
Section 2.3.1. The GNU Build Tools
Section 2.3.2. The configure Stage
Section 2.3.3. The Build Stage: make
Section 2.3.4. The Install Stage: make install
Section 2.4. Understanding Errors and Warnings
Section 2.4.1. Common Makefile Mistakes
Section Shell Commands
Section Missing Tabs
Section VPATH Confusion
Section 2.4.2. Errors during the configure Stage
Section 2.4.3. Errors during the Build Stage
Section 2.4.4. Understanding Compiler Errors
Section 2.4.5. Understanding Compiler Warnings
Section 2.4.6. Understanding Linker Errors
Section 2.5. Summary
Section 2.5.1. Tools Used in This Chapter
Section 2.5.2. Online References
Download ChapterDownload Chapter
1 TokenChapter 3. Finding Help
Section 3.1. Introduction
Section 3.2. Online Help Tools
Section 3.2.1. The man Page
Section 3.2.2. man Organization
Section 3.2.3. Searching the man Pages: apropos
Section 3.2.4. Getting the Right man Page: whatis
Section 3.2.5. Things to Look for in the man Page
Section 3.2.6. Some Recommended man Pages
Section 3.2.7. GNU info
Section 3.2.8. Viewing info Pages
Section 3.2.9. Searching info Pages
Section 3.2.10. Recommended info Pages
Section 3.2.11. Desktop Help Tools
Section 3.3. Other Places to Look
Section 3.3.1. /usr/share/doc
Section 3.3.2. Cross Referencing and Indexing
Section 3.3.3. Package Queries
Section 3.4. Documentation Formats
Section 3.4.1. TeX/LaTeX/DVI
Section 3.4.2. Texinfo
Section 3.4.3. DocBook
Section 3.4.4. HTML
Section 3.4.5. PostScript
Section 3.4.6. Portable Document Format (PDF)
Section 3.4.7. troff
Section 3.5. Internet Sources of Information
Section 3.5.1. www.gnu.org
Section 3.5.2. SourceForge.net
Section 3.5.3. The Linux Documentation Project
Section 3.5.4. Usenet
Section 3.5.5. Mailing Lists
Section 3.5.6. Other Forums
Section 3.6. Finding Information about the Linux Kernel
Section 3.6.1. The Kernel Build
Section 3.6.2. Kernel Modules
Section 3.6.3. Miscellaneous Documentation
Section 3.7. Summary
Section 3.7.1. Tools Used in This Chapter
Section 3.7.2. Online Resources
Download ChapterDownload Chapter
1 TokenChapter 4. Editing and Maintaining Source Files
Section 4.1. Introduction
Section 4.2. The Text Editor
Section 4.2.1. The Default Editor
Section 4.2.2. What to Look for in a Text Editor
Section 4.2.3. The Big Two: vi and Emacs
Section 4.2.4. Vim: vi Improved
Section 4.2.5. Emacs
Section Emacs Features
Section Modes? What Modes?
Section Emacs Commands and Shortcuts
Section Cursor Movement
Section Deleting, Cutting, and Pasting
Section Search and Replace
Section Browsing and Building Code with Emacs
Section Text Mode Menus
Section Customizing Emacs Settings
Section Emacs for vi Users
Section GUI Mode
Section The Bottom Line on Emacs
Section 4.2.6. Attack of the Clones
Section 4.2.7. Some GUI Text Editors at a Glance
Section 4.2.8. Memory Usage
Section 4.2.9. Editor Summary
Section 4.3. Revision Control
Section 4.3.1. Revision Control Basics
Section 4.3.2. Defining Revision Control Terms
Section Project
Section Add/Remove
Section Check In
Section Check Out
Section Branch
Section Merge
Section Label
Section In Summary
Section 4.3.3. Supporting Tools
Section 4.3.4. Introducing diff and patch
Section 4.3.5. Reviewing and Merging Changes
Section 4.4. Source Code Beautifiers and Browsers
Section 4.4.1. The Indent Code Beautifier
Section 4.4.2. Astyle Artistic Style
Section 4.4.3. Analyzing Code with cflow
Section 4.4.4. Analyzing Code with ctags
Section 4.4.5. Browsing Code with cscope
Section 4.4.6. Browsing and Documenting Code with Doxygen
Section 4.4.7. Using the Compiler to Analyze Code
Section Dependencies
Section Macro Expansions
Section 4.5. Summary
Section 4.5.1. Tools Used in This Chapter
Section 4.5.2. References
Section 4.5.3. Online Resources
Download ChapterDownload Chapter
1 TokenChapter 5. What Every Developer Should Know about the Kernel
Section 5.1. Introduction
Section 5.2. User Mode versus Kernel Mode
Section 5.2.1. System Calls
Section 5.2.2. Moving Data between User Space and Kernel Space
Section 5.3. The Process Scheduler
Section 5.3.1. A Scheduling Primer
Section 5.3.2. Blocking, Preemption, and Yielding
Section 5.3.3. Scheduling Priority and Fairness
Section 5.3.4. Priorities and Nice Value
Section 5.3.5. Real-Time Priorities
Section 5.3.6. Creating Real-Time Processes
Section 5.3.7. Process States
Section 5.3.8. How Time Is Measured
Section System Time Units
Section The Kernel Clock Tick
Section Timing Your Application
Section 5.4. Understanding Devices and Device Drivers
Section 5.4.1. Device Driver Types
Section 5.4.2. A Word about Kernel Modules
Section 5.4.3. Device Nodes
Section 5.4.4. Devices and I/O
Section 5.5. The I/O Scheduler
Section 5.5.1. The Linus Elevator (aka noop)
Section 5.5.2. Deadline I/O Scheduler
Section 5.5.3. Anticipatory I/O Scheduler
Section 5.5.4. Complete Fair Queuing I/O Scheduler
Section 5.5.5. Selecting an I/O Scheduler
Section 5.6. Memory Management in User Space
Section 5.6.1. Virtual Memory Explained
Section 5.6.2. Running out of Memory
Section When a Process Runs out of Memory
Section When the System Runs out of Memory
Section Locking Down Memory
Section 5.7. Summary
Section 5.7.1. Tools Used in This Chapter
Section 5.7.2. APIs Discussed in This Chapter
Section 5.7.3. Online References
Section 5.7.4. References
Download ChapterDownload Chapter
1 TokenChapter 6. Understanding Processes
Section 6.1. Introduction
Section 6.2. Where Processes Come From
Section 6.2.1. fork and vfork
Section 6.2.2. Copy on Write
Section 6.2.3. clone
Section 6.3. The exec Functions
Section 6.3.1. Executable Scripts
Section 6.3.2. Executable Object Files
Section 6.3.3. Miscellaneous Binaries
Section 6.4. Process Synchronization with wait
Section 6.5. The Process Footprint
Section 6.5.1. File Descriptors
Section 6.5.2. Stack
Section 6.5.3. Resident and Locked Memory
Section 6.6. Setting Process Limits
Section 6.7. Processes and procfs
Section 6.8. Tools for Managing Processes
Section 6.8.1. Displaying Process Information with ps
Section 6.8.2. Advanced Process Information Using Formats
Section 6.8.3. Finding Processes by Name with ps and pgrep
Section 6.8.4. Watching Process Memory Usage with pmap
Section 6.8.5. Sending Signals to Processes by Name
Section 6.9. Summary
Section 6.9.1. System Calls and APIs Used in This Chapter
Section 6.9.2. Tools Used in This Chapter
Section 6.9.3. Online Resources
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1 TokenChapter 7. Communication between Processes
Section 7.1. Introduction
Section 7.2. IPC Using Plain Files
Section 7.2.1. File Locking
Section 7.2.2. Drawbacks of Using Files for IPC
Section 7.3. Shared Memory
Section 7.3.1. Shared Memory with the POSIX API
Section 7.3.2. Shared Memory with the System V API
Section 7.4. Signals
Section 7.4.1. Sending Signals to a Process
Section 7.4.2. Handling a Signal
Section 7.4.3. The Signal Mask and Signal Handling
Section 7.4.4. Real-Time Signals
Section 7.4.5. Advanced Signals with sigqueue and sigaction
Section 7.5. Pipes
Section 7.6. Sockets
Section 7.6.1. Creating Sockets
Section Socket Domains
Section Socket Types
Section Socket Protocols
Section 7.6.2. Local Socket Example Using socketpair
Section 7.6.3. Client/Server Example Using Local Sockets
Section 7.6.4. Client Server Using Network Sockets
Section 7.7. Message Queues
Section 7.7.1. The System V Message Queue
Section 7.7.2. The POSIX Message Queue
Section 7.7.3. Difference between POSIX Message Queues and System V Message Queues
Section 7.8. Semaphores
Section 7.8.1. Semaphores with the POSIX API
Section 7.8.2. Semaphores with the System V API
Section 7.9. Summary
Section 7.9.1. System Calls and APIs Used in This Chapter
Section 7.9.2. References
Section 7.9.3. Online Resources
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1 TokenChapter 8. Debugging IPC with Shell Commands
Section 8.1. Introduction
Section 8.2. Tools for Working with Open Files
Section 8.2.1. lsof
Section 8.2.2. fuser
Section 8.2.3. ls
Section 8.2.4. file
Section 8.2.5. stat
Section 8.3. Dumping Data from a File
Section 8.3.1. The strings Command
Section 8.3.2. The xxd Command
Section 8.3.3. The hexdump Command
Section 8.3.4. The od Command
Section 8.4. Shell Tools for System V IPC
Section 8.4.1. System V Shared Memory
Section 8.4.2. System V Message Queues
Section 8.4.3. System V Semaphores
Section 8.5. Tools for Working with POSIX IPC
Section 8.5.1. POSIX Shared Memory
Section 8.5.2. POSIX Message Queues
Section 8.5.3. POSIX Semaphores
Section 8.6. Tools for Working with Signals
Section 8.7. Tools for Working with Pipes and Sockets
Section 8.7.1. Pipes and FIFOs
Section 8.7.2. Sockets
Section 8.8. Using Inodes to Identify Files and IPC Objects
Section 8.9. Summary
Section 8.9.1. Tools Used in This Chapter
Section 8.9.2. Online Resources
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1 TokenChapter 9. Performance Tuning
Section 9.1. Introduction
Section 9.2. System Performance
Section 9.2.1. Memory Issues
Section Page Faults
Section Swapping
Section 9.2.2. CPU Utilization and Bus Contention
Section 9.2.3. Devices and Interrupts
Section 9.2.4. Tools for Finding System Performance Issues
Section 9.3. Application Performance
Section 9.3.1. The First Step with the time Command
Section 9.3.2. Understanding Your Processor Architecture with x86info
Section 9.3.3. Using Valgrind to Examine Instruction Efficiency
Section 9.3.4. Introducing ltrace
Section 9.3.5. Using strace to Monitor Program Performance
Section 9.3.6. Traditional Performance Tuning Tools: gcov and gprof
Section 9.3.7. Introducing OProfile
Section 9.4. Multiprocessor Performance
Section 9.4.1. Types of SMP Hardware
Section 9.4.2. Programming on an SMP Machine
Section 9.5. Summary
Section 9.5.1. Performance Issues in This Chapter
Section 9.5.2. Terms Introduced in This Chapter
Section 9.5.3. Tools Used in This Chapter
Section 9.5.4. Online Resources
Section 9.5.5. References
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1 TokenChapter 10. Debugging
Section 10.1. Introduction
Section 10.2. The Most Basic Debugging Tool: printf
Section 10.2.1. Problems with Using printf
Section 10.2.2. Using printf Effectively
Section 10.2.3. Some Final Words on printf Debugging
Section 10.3. Getting Comfortable with the GNU Debugger: gdb
Section 10.3.1. Running Your Code with gdb
Section 10.3.2. Stopping and Restarting Execution
Section 10.3.3. Inspecting and Manipulating Data
Section print Expression Syntax
Section Print Examples
Section Calling Functions from gdb
Section Some Notes about the C++ and Templates
Section Some Notes about the C++ Standard Template Library
Section The display Command
Section 10.3.4. Attaching to a Running Process with gdb
Section 10.3.5. Debugging Core Files
Section 10.3.6. Debugging Multithreaded Programs with gdb
Section 10.3.7. Debugging Optimized Code
Section 10.4. Debugging Shared Objects
Section 10.4.1. When and Why to Use Shared Objects
Section 10.4.2. Creating Shared Objects
Section 10.4.3. Locating Shared Objects
Section 10.4.4. Overriding the Default Shared Object Locations
Section 10.4.5. Security Issues with Shared Objects
Section 10.4.6. Tools for Working with Shared Objects
Section 10.5. Looking for Memory Issues
Section 10.5.1. Double Free
Section 10.5.2. Memory Leaks
Section 10.5.3. Buffer Overflows
Section 10.5.4. glibc Tools
Section 10.5.5. Using Valgrind to Debug Memory Issues
Section 10.5.6. Looking for Overflows with Electric Fence
Section 10.6. Unconventional Techniques
Section 10.6.1. Creating Your Own Black Box
Section 10.6.2. Getting Backtraces at Runtime
Section 10.6.3. Forcing Core Dumps
Section 10.6.4. Using Signals
Section 10.6.5. Using procfs for Debugging
Section 10.7. Summary
Section 10.7.1. Tools Used in This Chapter
Section 10.7.2. Online Resources
Section 10.7.3. References
Table of Contents
Prentice Hall Open Source Software Development Series
Who Should Read This Book
The Purpose of This Book
How to Read This Book
How This Book Is Organized
About the Author
Download ChapterDownload Chapter
1 TokenChapter 1. Downloading and Installing Open Source Tools
Section 1.1. Introduction
Section 1.2. What Is Open Source?
Section 1.3. What Does Open Source Mean to You?
Section 1.3.1. Finding Tools
Section 1.3.2. Distribution Formats
Section 1.4. An Introduction to Archive Files
Section 1.4.1. Identifying Archive Files
Section 1.4.2. Querying an Archive File
Section 1.4.3. Extracting Files from an Archive File
Section 1.5. Know Your Package Manager
Section 1.5.1. Choosing Source or Binary
Section 1.5.2. Working with Packages
Section 1.6. Some Words about Security and Packages
Section 1.6.1. The Need for Authentication
Section 1.6.2. Basic Package Authentication
Section 1.6.3. Package Authentication with Digital Signatures
Section 1.6.4. GPG Signatures with RPM
Section 1.6.5. When You Can’t Authenticate a Package
Section 1.7. Inspecting Package Contents
Section 1.7.1. How to Inspect Packages
Section 1.7.2. A Closer Look at RPM Packages
Section 1.7.3. A Closer Look at Debian Packages
Section 1.8. Keeping Packages up to Date
Section 1.8.1. Apt: Advanced Package Tool
Section 1.8.2. Yum: Yellowdog Updater Modified
Section 1.8.3. Synaptic: The GUI Front End for APT
Section 1.8.4. up2date: The Red Hat Package Updater
Section 1.9. Summary
Section 1.9.1. Tools Used in This Chapter
Section 1.9.2. Online References
Download ChapterDownload Chapter
1 TokenChapter 2. Building from Source
Section 2.1. Introduction
Section 2.2. Build Tools
Section 2.2.1. Background
Section 2.2.2. Understanding make
Section 2.2.3. How Programs Are Linked
Section 2.2.4. Understanding Libraries
Section 2.3. The Build Process
Section 2.3.1. The GNU Build Tools
Section 2.3.2. The configure Stage
Section 2.3.3. The Build Stage: make
Section 2.3.4. The Install Stage: make install
Section 2.4. Understanding Errors and Warnings
Section 2.4.1. Common Makefile Mistakes
Section Shell Commands
Section Missing Tabs
Section VPATH Confusion
Section 2.4.2. Errors during the configure Stage
Section 2.4.3. Errors during the Build Stage
Section 2.4.4. Understanding Compiler Errors
Section 2.4.5. Understanding Compiler Warnings
Section 2.4.6. Understanding Linker Errors
Section 2.5. Summary
Section 2.5.1. Tools Used in This Chapter
Section 2.5.2. Online References
Download ChapterDownload Chapter
1 TokenChapter 3. Finding Help
Section 3.1. Introduction
Section 3.2. Online Help Tools
Section 3.2.1. The man Page
Section 3.2.2. man Organization
Section 3.2.3. Searching the man Pages: apropos
Section 3.2.4. Getting the Right man Page: whatis
Section 3.2.5. Things to Look for in the man Page
Section 3.2.6. Some Recommended man Pages
Section 3.2.7. GNU info
Section 3.2.8. Viewing info Pages
Section 3.2.9. Searching info Pages
Section 3.2.10. Recommended info Pages
Section 3.2.11. Desktop Help Tools
Section 3.3. Other Places to Look
Section 3.3.1. /usr/share/doc
Section 3.3.2. Cross Referencing and Indexing
Section 3.3.3. Package Queries
Section 3.4. Documentation Formats
Section 3.4.1. TeX/LaTeX/DVI
Section 3.4.2. Texinfo
Section 3.4.3. DocBook
Section 3.4.4. HTML
Section 3.4.5. PostScript
Section 3.4.6. Portable Document Format (PDF)
Section 3.4.7. troff
Section 3.5. Internet Sources of Information
Section 3.5.1. www.gnu.org
Section 3.5.2. SourceForge.net
Section 3.5.3. The Linux Documentation Project
Section 3.5.4. Usenet
Section 3.5.5. Mailing Lists
Section 3.5.6. Other Forums
Section 3.6. Finding Information about the Linux Kernel
Section 3.6.1. The Kernel Build
Section 3.6.2. Kernel Modules
Section 3.6.3. Miscellaneous Documentation
Section 3.7. Summary
Section 3.7.1. Tools Used in This Chapter
Section 3.7.2. Online Resources
Download ChapterDownload Chapter
1 TokenChapter 4. Editing and Maintaining Source Files
Section 4.1. Introduction
Section 4.2. The Text Editor
Section 4.2.1. The Default Editor
Section 4.2.2. What to Look for in a Text Editor
Section 4.2.3. The Big Two: vi and Emacs
Section 4.2.4. Vim: vi Improved
Section 4.2.5. Emacs
Section Emacs Features
Section Modes? What Modes?
Section Emacs Commands and Shortcuts
Section Cursor Movement
Section Deleting, Cutting, and Pasting
Section Search and Replace
Section Browsing and Building Code with Emacs
Section Text Mode Menus
Section Customizing Emacs Settings
Section Emacs for vi Users
Section GUI Mode
Section The Bottom Line on Emacs
Section 4.2.6. Attack of the Clones
Section 4.2.7. Some GUI Text Editors at a Glance
Section 4.2.8. Memory Usage
Section 4.2.9. Editor Summary
Section 4.3. Revision Control
Section 4.3.1. Revision Control Basics
Section 4.3.2. Defining Revision Control Terms
Section Project
Section Add/Remove
Section Check In
Section Check Out
Section Branch
Section Merge
Section Label
Section In Summary
Section 4.3.3. Supporting Tools
Section 4.3.4. Introducing diff and patch
Section 4.3.5. Reviewing and Merging Changes
Section 4.4. Source Code Beautifiers and Browsers
Section 4.4.1. The Indent Code Beautifier
Section 4.4.2. Astyle Artistic Style
Section 4.4.3. Analyzing Code with cflow
Section 4.4.4. Analyzing Code with ctags
Section 4.4.5. Browsing Code with cscope
Section 4.4.6. Browsing and Documenting Code with Doxygen
Section 4.4.7. Using the Compiler to Analyze Code
Section Dependencies
Section Macro Expansions
Section 4.5. Summary
Section 4.5.1. Tools Used in This Chapter
Section 4.5.2. References
Section 4.5.3. Online Resources
Download ChapterDownload Chapter
1 TokenChapter 5. What Every Developer Should Know about the Kernel
Section 5.1. Introduction
Section 5.2. User Mode versus Kernel Mode
Section 5.2.1. System Calls
Section 5.2.2. Moving Data between User Space and Kernel Space
Section 5.3. The Process Scheduler
Section 5.3.1. A Scheduling Primer
Section 5.3.2. Blocking, Preemption, and Yielding
Section 5.3.3. Scheduling Priority and Fairness
Section 5.3.4. Priorities and Nice Value
Section 5.3.5. Real-Time Priorities
Section 5.3.6. Creating Real-Time Processes
Section 5.3.7. Process States
Section 5.3.8. How Time Is Measured
Section System Time Units
Section The Kernel Clock Tick
Section Timing Your Application
Section 5.4. Understanding Devices and Device Drivers
Section 5.4.1. Device Driver Types
Section 5.4.2. A Word about Kernel Modules
Section 5.4.3. Device Nodes
Section 5.4.4. Devices and I/O
Section 5.5. The I/O Scheduler
Section 5.5.1. The Linus Elevator (aka noop)
Section 5.5.2. Deadline I/O Scheduler
Section 5.5.3. Anticipatory I/O Scheduler
Section 5.5.4. Complete Fair Queuing I/O Scheduler
Section 5.5.5. Selecting an I/O Scheduler
Section 5.6. Memory Management in User Space
Section 5.6.1. Virtual Memory Explained
Section 5.6.2. Running out of Memory
Section When a Process Runs out of Memory
Section When the System Runs out of Memory
Section Locking Down Memory
Section 5.7. Summary
Section 5.7.1. Tools Used in This Chapter
Section 5.7.2. APIs Discussed in This Chapter
Section 5.7.3. Online References
Section 5.7.4. References
Download ChapterDownload Chapter
1 TokenChapter 6. Understanding Processes
Section 6.1. Introduction
Section 6.2. Where Processes Come From
Section 6.2.1. fork and vfork
Section 6.2.2. Copy on Write
Section 6.2.3. clone
Section 6.3. The exec Functions
Section 6.3.1. Executable Scripts
Section 6.3.2. Executable Object Files
Section 6.3.3. Miscellaneous Binaries
Section 6.4. Process Synchronization with wait
Section 6.5. The Process Footprint
Section 6.5.1. File Descriptors
Section 6.5.2. Stack
Section 6.5.3. Resident and Locked Memory
Section 6.6. Setting Process Limits
Section 6.7. Processes and procfs
Section 6.8. Tools for Managing Processes
Section 6.8.1. Displaying Process Information with ps
Section 6.8.2. Advanced Process Information Using Formats
Section 6.8.3. Finding Processes by Name with ps and pgrep
Section 6.8.4. Watching Process Memory Usage with pmap
Section 6.8.5. Sending Signals to Processes by Name
Section 6.9. Summary
Section 6.9.1. System Calls and APIs Used in This Chapter
Section 6.9.2. Tools Used in This Chapter
Section 6.9.3. Online Resources
Download ChapterDownload Chapter
1 TokenChapter 7. Communication between Processes
Section 7.1. Introduction
Section 7.2. IPC Using Plain Files
Section 7.2.1. File Locking
Section 7.2.2. Drawbacks of Using Files for IPC
Section 7.3. Shared Memory
Section 7.3.1. Shared Memory with the POSIX API
Section 7.3.2. Shared Memory with the System V API
Section 7.4. Signals
Section 7.4.1. Sending Signals to a Process
Section 7.4.2. Handling a Signal
Section 7.4.3. The Signal Mask and Signal Handling
Section 7.4.4. Real-Time Signals
Section 7.4.5. Advanced Signals with sigqueue and sigaction
Section 7.5. Pipes
Section 7.6. Sockets
Section 7.6.1. Creating Sockets
Section Socket Domains
Section Socket Types
Section Socket Protocols
Section 7.6.2. Local Socket Example Using socketpair
Section 7.6.3. Client/Server Example Using Local Sockets
Section 7.6.4. Client Server Using Network Sockets
Section 7.7. Message Queues
Section 7.7.1. The System V Message Queue
Section 7.7.2. The POSIX Message Queue
Section 7.7.3. Difference between POSIX Message Queues and System V Message Queues
Section 7.8. Semaphores
Section 7.8.1. Semaphores with the POSIX API
Section 7.8.2. Semaphores with the System V API
Section 7.9. Summary
Section 7.9.1. System Calls and APIs Used in This Chapter
Section 7.9.2. References
Section 7.9.3. Online Resources
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1 TokenChapter 8. Debugging IPC with Shell Commands
Section 8.1. Introduction
Section 8.2. Tools for Working with Open Files
Section 8.2.1. lsof
Section 8.2.2. fuser
Section 8.2.3. ls
Section 8.2.4. file
Section 8.2.5. stat
Section 8.3. Dumping Data from a File
Section 8.3.1. The strings Command
Section 8.3.2. The xxd Command
Section 8.3.3. The hexdump Command
Section 8.3.4. The od Command
Section 8.4. Shell Tools for System V IPC
Section 8.4.1. System V Shared Memory
Section 8.4.2. System V Message Queues
Section 8.4.3. System V Semaphores
Section 8.5. Tools for Working with POSIX IPC
Section 8.5.1. POSIX Shared Memory
Section 8.5.2. POSIX Message Queues
Section 8.5.3. POSIX Semaphores
Section 8.6. Tools for Working with Signals
Section 8.7. Tools for Working with Pipes and Sockets
Section 8.7.1. Pipes and FIFOs
Section 8.7.2. Sockets
Section 8.8. Using Inodes to Identify Files and IPC Objects
Section 8.9. Summary
Section 8.9.1. Tools Used in This Chapter
Section 8.9.2. Online Resources
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1 TokenChapter 9. Performance Tuning
Section 9.1. Introduction
Section 9.2. System Performance
Section 9.2.1. Memory Issues
Section Page Faults
Section Swapping
Section 9.2.2. CPU Utilization and Bus Contention
Section 9.2.3. Devices and Interrupts
Section 9.2.4. Tools for Finding System Performance Issues
Section 9.3. Application Performance
Section 9.3.1. The First Step with the time Command
Section 9.3.2. Understanding Your Processor Architecture with x86info
Section 9.3.3. Using Valgrind to Examine Instruction Efficiency
Section 9.3.4. Introducing ltrace
Section 9.3.5. Using strace to Monitor Program Performance
Section 9.3.6. Traditional Performance Tuning Tools: gcov and gprof
Section 9.3.7. Introducing OProfile
Section 9.4. Multiprocessor Performance
Section 9.4.1. Types of SMP Hardware
Section 9.4.2. Programming on an SMP Machine
Section 9.5. Summary
Section 9.5.1. Performance Issues in This Chapter
Section 9.5.2. Terms Introduced in This Chapter
Section 9.5.3. Tools Used in This Chapter
Section 9.5.4. Online Resources
Section 9.5.5. References
Download ChapterDownload Chapter
1 TokenChapter 10. Debugging
Section 10.1. Introduction
Section 10.2. The Most Basic Debugging Tool: printf
Section 10.2.1. Problems with Using printf
Section 10.2.2. Using printf Effectively
Section 10.2.3. Some Final Words on printf Debugging
Section 10.3. Getting Comfortable with the GNU Debugger: gdb
Section 10.3.1. Running Your Code with gdb
Section 10.3.2. Stopping and Restarting Execution
Section 10.3.3. Inspecting and Manipulating Data
Section print Expression Syntax
Section Print Examples
Section Calling Functions from gdb
Section Some Notes about the C++ and Templates
Section Some Notes about the C++ Standard Template Library
Section The display Command
Section 10.3.4. Attaching to a Running Process with gdb
Section 10.3.5. Debugging Core Files
Section 10.3.6. Debugging Multithreaded Programs with gdb
Section 10.3.7. Debugging Optimized Code
Section 10.4. Debugging Shared Objects
Section 10.4.1. When and Why to Use Shared Objects
Section 10.4.2. Creating Shared Objects
Section 10.4.3. Locating Shared Objects
Section 10.4.4. Overriding the Default Shared Object Locations
Section 10.4.5. Security Issues with Shared Objects
Section 10.4.6. Tools for Working with Shared Objects
Section 10.5. Looking for Memory Issues
Section 10.5.1. Double Free
Section 10.5.2. Memory Leaks
Section 10.5.3. Buffer Overflows
Section 10.5.4. glibc Tools
Section 10.5.5. Using Valgrind to Debug Memory Issues
Section 10.5.6. Looking for Overflows with Electric Fence
Section 10.6. Unconventional Techniques
Section 10.6.1. Creating Your Own Black Box
Section 10.6.2. Getting Backtraces at Runtime
Section 10.6.3. Forcing Core Dumps
Section 10.6.4. Using Signals
Section 10.6.5. Using procfs for Debugging
Section 10.7. Summary
Section 10.7.1. Tools Used in This Chapter
Section 10.7.2. Online Resources
Section 10.7.3. References
Debug Lecture
Debug Lecture
More: http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~jrb/cs201/lectures/
More: http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~jrb/cs201/lectures/
1. overview why bugs? bugs happen due to human carelessness time pressure entropy and chaos jurassic park ... (your bug is a T-rex ...) the human brain don't underestimate the subconscious problem solving mechanism think about the problem what do you know binary search ... when you are befuddled divide and conquer "all your assumptions are invalid" Joe Maybee don't whine too much "the o.s./compiler is broke"... it happens, but it isn't the 1st case occam's razor superior engineers are willing and able to go to the next level down (note: black boxes are a fine theory for blaming problems on other people ...) you have to look inside the hood 2. tools sw engineering ... SPECIFICATION AND DESIGN code walkthrus not our concern ... so much, but having other people look at your code can do wonders code analysis ... static cscope cflow dynamic debuggers valgrind logging printf pros/cons cons: you use it because that is all you know you are modifying the code and may introduce more bugs even in the printf statements 3. theory of debuggers what is a debugger for? peering at runtime behavior not debugging but observing debugger is at keyboard very high-level observations programs run at mega instructions per sec. we have to STOP them to try and understand look at runtime environment *this doesn't make sense* (but we have no better model) interpreted versus machine-code/compiled interpreted can be built into interpreter example: perl -d foo.pl compiled/assembled more complex includes machine-supported instruction set compiler symbol table map C/C++ line to machine code runtime process envirornment stack functions on stack heap (malloc'ed memory) text segment data segment compiler/linker (virtual memory)/cpu instructions/ debugger/o.s. interactions keep in mind limitations discovered via physics/C.S. this century Heisenberg - if you measure it, you modify its behavior Godel - mathematical black boxes are an abstraction; i.e. your computer can catch on fire. Turing - you can't write a program that will find all the HALT possibilities; i.e., there will always be one more bug. debuggers all debuggers are alike one program want to control another program's execution even down to the machine instruction level one instruction or HLL statement at a time see the other program's memory spaces stack/heap possibly change other program's memory spaces consider multi-user o.s. protection models ... basically you set breakpoints/run/see what happened and *think* breakpoints for machine/compiled code, we need to be able to somehow say STOP here and return control to debugger breakpoint is typically a special instruction inserted by magic into the code that causes a sw trap and sends a "interrupt" to the debugger often text is modified ... debugger modes single thread UNIX debugger execution model debugger is parent of debuggee child parallel (tasks or threads) unix attach depends on o.s. and debugger IPC models kernel (tricky ... See Heisenberg) 2 cpus with one under the control of the other the debugger cycle the debug cycle in gdb terms: 0. think ... analyze the problem what do you know about the problem. what do you NOT KNOW about the problem. 1. set a breakpoint (gdb) break line/function 2. run it to the breakpoint (gdb) run or cont OR singlestep with step/next 3. analyse (and try again) analyze the stack (gdb) bt analyze the variables (gdb) print x analyze where you are code wise (list) (gdb) list list main list 101 ------------------------------------------------------------- core variation not rm -f core 1. jim, he's dead ... (there is no runtime phase) 2. fireup the debugger on the core module % gdb mybomb core 3. analyze as above (gdb) bt <----------- the big ticket item Note *where* the program died. You can run the program now too and often you want to do that and try to run it to the point (just before) where it seems to do, and then step to/thru the "spot of death". Note: you need to turn core dump on if off % ulimit -a <--- to check % ulimit -c unlimited <---- to turn on ------------------------------------------------------------- attach variation: see handout ------------------------------------------------------------- gdb (this is a checklist) .a little history (very little) .basic commands (Appendix 1, see below) .debugging C++ .debugging parallel processes use windows ... one gdb, one thread/process .core debugging (above) .attach debugging (see handout) -------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix 1: gdb commands by function - simple guide More important commands have a (*) by them. Startup % gdb -help print startup help, show switches *% gdb object normal debug *% gdb object core core debug (must specify core file) %% gdb object pid attach to running process % gdb use file command to load object Help *(gdb) help list command classes (gdb) help running list commands in one command class (gdb) help run bottom-level help for a command "run" (gdb) help info list info commands (running program state) (gdb) help info line help for a particular info command (gdb) help show list show commands (gdb state) (gdb) help show commands specific help for a show command Breakpoints *(gdb) break main set a breakpoint on a function *(gdb) break 101 set a breakpoint on a line number *(gdb) break basic.c:101 set breakpoint at file and line (or function) *(gdb) info breakpoints show breakpoints *(gdb) delete 1 delete a breakpoint by number (gdb) delete delete all breakpoints (prompted) (gdb) clear delete breakpoints at current line (gdb) clear function delete breakpoints at function (gdb) clear line delete breakpoints at line (gdb) disable 2 turn a breakpoint off, but don't remove it (gdb) enable 2 turn disabled breakpoint back on (gdb) tbreak function|line set a temporary breakpoint (gdb) commands break-no ... end set gdb commands with breakpoint (gdb) ignore break-no count ignore bpt N-1 times before activation (gdb) condition break-no expression break only if condition is true (gdb) condition 2 i == 20 example: break on breakpoint 2 if i equals 20 (gdb) watch expression set software watchpoint on variable (gdb) info watchpoints show current watchpoints Running the program *(gdb) run run the program with current arguments *(gdb) run args redirection run with args and redirection (gdb) set args args... set arguments for run (gdb) show args show current arguments to run *(gdb) cont continue the program *(gdb) step single step the program; step into functions (gdb) step count singlestep \fIcount\fR times *(gdb) next step but step over functions (gdb) next count next \fIcount\fR times *(gdb) CTRL-C actually SIGINT, stop execution of current program *(gdb) attach process-id attach to running program *(gdb) detach detach from running program *(gdb) finish finish current function's execution (gdb) kill kill current executing program Stack backtrace *(gdb) bt print stack backtrace (gdb) frame show current execution position (gdb) up move up stack trace (towards main) (gdb) down move down stack trace (away from main) *(gdb) info locals print automatic variables in frame (gdb) info args print function parameters Browsing source *(gdb) list 101 list 10 lines around line 101 *(gdb) list 1,10 list lines 1 to 10 *(gdb) list main list lines around function *(gdb) list basic.c:main list from another file basic.c *(gdb) list - list previous 10 lines (gdb) list *0x22e4 list source at address (gdb) cd dir change current directory to \fIdir\fR (gdb) pwd print working directory (gdb) search regexpr forward current for regular expression (gdb) reverse-search regexpr backward search for regular expression (gdb) dir dirname add directory to source path (gdb) dir reset source path to nothing (gdb) show directories show source path Browsing Data *(gdb) print expression print expression, added to value history *(gdb) print/x expressionR print in hex (gdb) print array[i]@count artificial array - print array range (gdb) print $ print last value (gdb) print *$->next print thru list (gdb) print $1 print value 1 from value history (gdb) print ::gx force scope to be global (gdb) print 'basic.c'::gx global scope in named file (>=4.6) (gdb) print/x &main print address of function (gdb) x/countFormatSize address low-level examine command (gdb) x/x &gx print gx in hex (gdb) x/4wx &main print 4 longs at start of \fImain\fR in hex (gdb) x/gf &gd1 print double (gdb) help x show formats for x *(gdb) info locals print local automatics only (gdb) info functions regexp print function names (gdb) info variables regexp print global variable names *(gdb) ptype name print type definition (gdb) whatis expression print type of expression *(gdb) set variable = expression assign value (gdb) display expression display expression result at stop (gdb) undisplay delete displays (gdb) info display show displays (gdb) show values print value history (>= gdb 4.0) (gdb) info history print value history (gdb 3.5) Object File manipulation (gdb) file object load new file for debug (sym+exec) (gdb) file object -readnow no incremental symbol load (gdb) file discard sym+exec file info (gdb) symbol-file object load only symbol table (gdb) exec-file object specify object to run (not sym-file) (gdb) core-file core post-mortem debugging Signal Control (gdb) info signals print signal setup (gdb) handle signo actions set debugger actions for signal (gdb) handle INT print print message when signal occurs (gdb) handle INT noprint don't print message (gdb) handle INT stop stop program when signal occurs (gdb) handle INT nostop don't stop program (gdb) handle INT pass allow program to receive signal (gdb) handle INT nopass debugger catches signal; program doesn't (gdb) signal signo continue and send signal to program (gdb) signal 0 continue and send no signal to program Machine-level Debug (gdb) info registers print registers sans floats (gdb) info all-registers print all registers (gdb) print/x $pc print one register (gdb) stepi single step at machine level (gdb) si single step at machine level (gdb) nexti single step (over functions) at machine level (gdb) ni single step (over functions) at machine level (gdb) display/i $pc print current instruction in display (gdb) x/x &gx print variable gx in hex (gdb) info line 22 print addresses for object code for line 22 (gdb) info line *0x2c4e print line number of object code at address (gdb) x/10i main disassemble first 10 instructions in \fImain\fR (gdb) disassemble addr dissassemble code for function around addr History Display (gdb) show commands print command history (>= gdb 4.0) (gdb) info editing print command history (gdb 3.5) (gdb) ESC-CTRL-J switch to vi edit mode from emacs edit mode (gdb) set history expansion on turn on c-shell like history (gdb) break class::member set breakpoint on class member. may get menu (gdb) list class::member list member in class (gdb) ptype class print class members (gdb) print *this print contents of this pointer (gdb) rbreak regexpr useful for breakpoint on overloaded member name Miscellaneous (gdb) define command ... end define user command *(gdb) RETURN repeat last command *(gdb) shell command args execute shell command *(gdb) source file load gdb commands from file *(gdb) quit quit gdb ------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix 2: Henry Spencer - 10 commandments for C programmers ------------------------------------------------- Commandments copyright (c) 1988 Henry Spencer, University of Toronto. Used by permission. 1. Thou shalt run lint frequently and study its pronouncements with care, for verily its perception and judgement oft exceed thine. (Modern amendment: use ANSI C with prototypes where possible). 2. Thou shalt not follow the NULL pointer, for chaos and madness await thee at its end. 3. Thou shalt cast all function arguments to the expected type if they are not of that type already, even when thou art convinced that this is unnecessary, lest they take cruel vengeance upon thee when thou least expect it. 4. If thy header files fail to declare the return types of thy library functions, thou shalt declare them thyself with the most meticulous care, lest grevious harm befall thy program. 5. Thou shalt check the array bounds of all strings (indeed, all arrays), for surely where thou typest *foo* someone someday shall type *supercalifragilisticexpialidocious*. 6. If a function be advertised to return an error code in the event of difficulties, thou shalt check for that code, yea, even though the checks triple the size of thy code and produce aches in thy typing fingers, for if thou thinkest "it cannot happen to me," the gods shall surely punish thee for thy arrogance. 7. Thou shalt study the libraries and strive not to re-invent them without cause, that thy code may be short and readable and thy days pleasant and productive. 8. Thou shalt make thy program's purpose and structure clear to thy fellow man by using the One True Brace Style*, even if thou likest it not, for thy creativity is better used in solving problems than in creating beautiful new impediments to understanding. *(The One True Brace Style is the style of program layout demonstrated in K & R). .9 Thy external identifiers shall be unique in the first six characters, though this harsh discipline be irksome and the years of its necessity stretch before thee seemingly without end, lest thou tear thy hair out and go mad on that fateful day when thou desirest to make thy program run on an old system. .10 Thou shalt foreswear, renounce, and abjure the vile heresy which claimeth that "All the world's a VAX", and have no commerce with the benighted heathens who cling to this barbarous belief, that the days of thy program may be long even though the days of thy current machine be short. (Programs should be written to be portable and with the assumption that the software will outlast the current hardware). JRB's supplementary rules: 1. Every open(2) should have an equal and opposite close(2). Likewise, every fopen(3) should have a matching fclose(3), and every malloc(3) should have a matching free(3). 2. ALWAYS be careful about NULL pointers and arguments to function calls that take strings. Use assertions for dealing with NULL pointers. See assert(3) for details. 3. Be particularly careful with routines that can "accidentally" overwrite data or stack regions; avoid using these routines if possible. For example, use fgets() rather than gets(). strncpy(3) instead of strcpy(2). Put limits in routines that you write. 4. Be careful with kernel calls, especially with pointers to buffers. The kernel blindly believes what you tell it and can easily overwrite parts of your stack or data space. If so, core dump. Something like this can happen to you: foo() { int fd[1]; int x; <---- why is this here? pipe(fd); } 5. never ignore information the system gives you; segmentation violations are important, and give you a lot of information about what's going wrong (even more if you use the debugger to look at a core dump). Don't rm -f core without making an attempt to determine what happened. % gdb myproggoesboom core (gdb) bt 6. Always check the error return code on system calls and library calls. Read the man pages often and carefully. Write them with care too. If you write man pages, include examples. (Dangerously different...). 7. NEVER make assumptions like "This malloc could never fail." Of course it could. Similar assumptions include "This file has to exist, so of course, the open can't fail. (Check out the access(2) call.) Well-written programs have a lot of error-checking code. 8. C programming style on UNIX is like this: function foo weed out error possibility A weed out error possibility B do the function Pascal is like this: if (not A) if (not B) do the function else else
Debugging Tools and Techniques
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Page 1
Debugging Tools and Techniques
Thus Spake The Master Programmer: “When
you have learned to snatch the error code from
the trap frame, it will be time for you to
- The Tao Of Programming
Ananth Shrinivas
Solaris Engineering
Sun Microsystems
Page 2
Approx & Non-Linear Agenda
➢ Common Problems and Common Tools
➢ The Problems in Theory
➢ Memory Management
➢ Profiling and Execution Tracing
➢ Core Dumps, Network Monitoring
➢ The Solutions in Practice
➢ GDB, Netcat, Wireshark (The Swiss Army Knives)
➢ strace and ltrace (Dynamic Execution Tracers)
➢ Valgrind and Friends (Emulators and Interposing Libraries)
➢ gprof and oprofile (Instrumentation and Sampling Profilers)
➢ The One True Tool: State of Art in Debugging
Page 3
Common Problems
➢ Memory Management: Invalid Pointers, Buffer
Overflows, Double Frees, Memory Leaks
➢ Tracing Execution and Flow Control: Profiling
and Performance analysis, Code path verification,
Code coverage, Debugging Logical errors
➢ Multi-threaded Programming: Race Conditions,
Deadlocks, Lock Contention
➢ Advanced Problems: Core Dumps, Disassembly,
Debugging your operating system, Compiler Bugs,
Hardware Bugs, Debugger Bug, Understanding
foreign code !
Page 4
Common Linux Debugging
➢ Memory: valgrind, Insure++, Purify, memwatch
➢ Execution Tracing: strace, ltrace, gdb
➢ Process Monitoring: pmap, lsof, top, /proc
➢ Profiling: gprof, oprofile, CodeAnalyst, vTune
➢ Code Coverage: gcov
➢ Multithreaded Programming: helgrind, $BRAIN
➢ General Purpose Debuggers: gdb, dbx, DDD
➢ Static Code Analyzers: gcc, lint, splint, Purify
➢ Grokkers: cflow, cscope, ctags, lxr, opengrok
Underlined, Italicized = Proprietary Tools
Page 5
A Program on Disk -
Executable and Linkable
Relocatable files (gcc -c)
Shared objs (gcc -shared)
Executable files (ld)
readelf – Read elf headers,
sections and symbol tables
Objdump – Disassemble elf
objects and hack around
Neat Tools: nm, strings, od
Page 6
A Program in Memory - Process
Text Segment – Machine Code.
Shared, Read-Only.
Data Segment – Initialized global
variables from executable
BSS – Has uninitialized global
variables set to zero (Block
started by symbol)
Stack – Collection of stack
frames. Grows Downward
Heap – Dynamic memory for
programs and libraries. Grows
Low Address
High Address
Page 7
The GNU Debugger (GDB)
➢ Source/Instruction => Process/Core/Kernel(kgdb)
➢ Frequently used commands (TAB Autocompletes)
➢ file/attach – load a binary file for execution
➢ kill/run – the loaded file or process
➢ list – list a file, funcs, lines, addr.
➢ break/clear – breakpoint at func, lines, addr.
➢ step/stepi – single step one source line/mi
➢ next/nexti – step over subroutines
➢ cont – continue until next breakpoint or end
➢ disable/enable – breakpoint manipulation
Page 8
The GNU Debugger (GDB)
➢ Frequently used commands (continued ....)
➢ bt – Print backtrace of all stack frames
➢ frame N – switch stack frame context
➢ display/print – variables, expressions
➢ ptype – print type of variable (stabs/ctf)
➢ info – shows a huge number of useful things
➢ Tools useful in conjunction with GDB
➢ pmap – Display process address layout
➢ elfsh – interactive shell for elfdump !
➢ biew – ncurses gui to explore elf objects
Page 9
Preparing for a GDB session
➢ Don't strip – Cost of Disk << Cost of Engineering
➢ Never ever omit the frame pointer (-fomit-frame-
pointer is evil)
➢ Add the enhanced symbol table (gcc -g)
➢ Disable optimizations when creating a debug
executable (-O0)
➢ Add GNU specific extensions for a lot of extra
debugging power (-ggdb3)
➢ .gdbinit – put redundant commands into this file
Page 10
DDD – GDB for X
Page 11
➢ Powerful runtime tool to trace syscalls and signals.
➢ Restrict to system calls or classes using -e trace
(!)= syscall|set|process|network|ipc|file|desc
➢ Attach to existing process using -p
➢ Follow children of fork() -f and vfork() -F
➢ Coarse profiling using -tt, -r , -c
➢ -s display upto only n characters
➢ Symbol name demangling using -C
➢ Instruction Pointer at the time of trace -i
➢ Log output to a file using -o and -ff
Page 12
➢ Runtime tool to trace library calls
(How are library calls and syscalls different)
➢ Aggregate syscalls by count -c
➢ Use ldd to find out static link-time library
dependencies and -l , -L to filter library names.
➢ Indent call flow using -n
➢ Trace system calls to using -S !
➢ Most other options are strace syntax compatible
➢ For ltrace Internals see PTRACE(2)
➢ BUGGY ! ELF32 only ! dlopen() not traced !
Page 13
Profiling Tools
➢ Time from Shell / gettimeofday() / clock()
➢ Instrumentation Profilers
➢ GPROF – Collection/Analysis of execution profile
➢ GCOV - Hotspot detection using code coverage
➢ Quantum Limitations – Heisenberg Principle
➢ Sampling Profilers
➢ oprofile – Kernel, CPU supported counters and
event monitors – understand your CPU well.
➢ AMD CodeAnalyst and Intel vTune
Page 14
Nifty Tools for Unlucky Days
➢ Networking Tools
➢ Wireshark – Brilliant protocol analyzer
➢ Netstat – A lot of useful statistics and views
➢ Netcat – TCP/IP Swiss Army Knife
➢ Nmap – Network Exploration / Port Scanner
➢ Filesystem Tools
➢ fuser – Identify processes using a file/socket
➢ lsof – List of open files. Command line hell
➢ watch (-d)– Repeatedly executes a command.
Waits for output to change. Highlights the change.
Page 15
MM :: Valgrind / Cachegrind
➢ The most advanced MM debugging tool
➢ Use of uninitialized memory
➢ Reading/writing memory after it has been freed
➢ Reading/writing off the end of malloc() areas
➢ Reading/writing to wrong addresses on the stack !
➢ Memory leaks - i.e.malloc() pointers lost forever
➢ Mismatched use of malloc/new[] vs. free/delete[]
➢ Overlapping pointers in memcpy() and friends
➢ Some misuses of the POSIX pthreads API
➢ Memory hog ! 25-75 times slower ! -O0 works best
Page 16
The One True Tool
If you thought Valgrind was mind-
boggling wait until you see what is the
state-of-art in debugging.
DTrace (OpenSolaris, FreeBSD, MacOS)
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Page 1
Debugging Tools and Techniques
Thus Spake The Master Programmer: “When
you have learned to snatch the error code from
the trap frame, it will be time for you to
- The Tao Of Programming
Ananth Shrinivas
Solaris Engineering
Sun Microsystems
Page 2
Approx & Non-Linear Agenda
➢ Common Problems and Common Tools
➢ The Problems in Theory
➢ Memory Management
➢ Profiling and Execution Tracing
➢ Core Dumps, Network Monitoring
➢ The Solutions in Practice
➢ GDB, Netcat, Wireshark (The Swiss Army Knives)
➢ strace and ltrace (Dynamic Execution Tracers)
➢ Valgrind and Friends (Emulators and Interposing Libraries)
➢ gprof and oprofile (Instrumentation and Sampling Profilers)
➢ The One True Tool: State of Art in Debugging
Page 3
Common Problems
➢ Memory Management: Invalid Pointers, Buffer
Overflows, Double Frees, Memory Leaks
➢ Tracing Execution and Flow Control: Profiling
and Performance analysis, Code path verification,
Code coverage, Debugging Logical errors
➢ Multi-threaded Programming: Race Conditions,
Deadlocks, Lock Contention
➢ Advanced Problems: Core Dumps, Disassembly,
Debugging your operating system, Compiler Bugs,
Hardware Bugs, Debugger Bug, Understanding
foreign code !
Page 4
Common Linux Debugging
➢ Memory: valgrind, Insure++, Purify, memwatch
➢ Execution Tracing: strace, ltrace, gdb
➢ Process Monitoring: pmap, lsof, top, /proc
➢ Profiling: gprof, oprofile, CodeAnalyst, vTune
➢ Code Coverage: gcov
➢ Multithreaded Programming: helgrind, $BRAIN
➢ General Purpose Debuggers: gdb, dbx, DDD
➢ Static Code Analyzers: gcc, lint, splint, Purify
➢ Grokkers: cflow, cscope, ctags, lxr, opengrok
Underlined, Italicized = Proprietary Tools
Page 5
A Program on Disk -
Executable and Linkable
Relocatable files (gcc -c)
Shared objs (gcc -shared)
Executable files (ld)
readelf – Read elf headers,
sections and symbol tables
Objdump – Disassemble elf
objects and hack around
Neat Tools: nm, strings, od
Page 6
A Program in Memory - Process
Text Segment – Machine Code.
Shared, Read-Only.
Data Segment – Initialized global
variables from executable
BSS – Has uninitialized global
variables set to zero (Block
started by symbol)
Stack – Collection of stack
frames. Grows Downward
Heap – Dynamic memory for
programs and libraries. Grows
Low Address
High Address
Page 7
The GNU Debugger (GDB)
➢ Source/Instruction => Process/Core/Kernel(kgdb)
➢ Frequently used commands (TAB Autocompletes)
➢ file/attach – load a binary file for execution
➢ kill/run – the loaded file or process
➢ list – list a file, funcs, lines, addr.
➢ break/clear – breakpoint at func, lines, addr.
➢ step/stepi – single step one source line/mi
➢ next/nexti – step over subroutines
➢ cont – continue until next breakpoint or end
➢ disable/enable – breakpoint manipulation
Page 8
The GNU Debugger (GDB)
➢ Frequently used commands (continued ....)
➢ bt – Print backtrace of all stack frames
➢ frame N – switch stack frame context
➢ display/print – variables, expressions
➢ ptype – print type of variable (stabs/ctf)
➢ info – shows a huge number of useful things
➢ Tools useful in conjunction with GDB
➢ pmap – Display process address layout
➢ elfsh – interactive shell for elfdump !
➢ biew – ncurses gui to explore elf objects
Page 9
Preparing for a GDB session
➢ Don't strip – Cost of Disk << Cost of Engineering
➢ Never ever omit the frame pointer (-fomit-frame-
pointer is evil)
➢ Add the enhanced symbol table (gcc -g)
➢ Disable optimizations when creating a debug
executable (-O0)
➢ Add GNU specific extensions for a lot of extra
debugging power (-ggdb3)
➢ .gdbinit – put redundant commands into this file
Page 10
DDD – GDB for X
Page 11
➢ Powerful runtime tool to trace syscalls and signals.
➢ Restrict to system calls or classes using -e trace
(!)= syscall|set|process|network|ipc|file|desc
➢ Attach to existing process using -p
➢ Follow children of fork() -f and vfork() -F
➢ Coarse profiling using -tt, -r , -c
➢ -s display upto only n characters
➢ Symbol name demangling using -C
➢ Instruction Pointer at the time of trace -i
➢ Log output to a file using -o and -ff
Page 12
➢ Runtime tool to trace library calls
(How are library calls and syscalls different)
➢ Aggregate syscalls by count -c
➢ Use ldd to find out static link-time library
dependencies and -l , -L to filter library names.
➢ Indent call flow using -n
➢ Trace system calls to using -S !
➢ Most other options are strace syntax compatible
➢ For ltrace Internals see PTRACE(2)
➢ BUGGY ! ELF32 only ! dlopen() not traced !
Page 13
Profiling Tools
➢ Time from Shell / gettimeofday() / clock()
➢ Instrumentation Profilers
➢ GPROF – Collection/Analysis of execution profile
➢ GCOV - Hotspot detection using code coverage
➢ Quantum Limitations – Heisenberg Principle
➢ Sampling Profilers
➢ oprofile – Kernel, CPU supported counters and
event monitors – understand your CPU well.
➢ AMD CodeAnalyst and Intel vTune
Page 14
Nifty Tools for Unlucky Days
➢ Networking Tools
➢ Wireshark – Brilliant protocol analyzer
➢ Netstat – A lot of useful statistics and views
➢ Netcat – TCP/IP Swiss Army Knife
➢ Nmap – Network Exploration / Port Scanner
➢ Filesystem Tools
➢ fuser – Identify processes using a file/socket
➢ lsof – List of open files. Command line hell
➢ watch (-d)– Repeatedly executes a command.
Waits for output to change. Highlights the change.
Page 15
MM :: Valgrind / Cachegrind
➢ The most advanced MM debugging tool
➢ Use of uninitialized memory
➢ Reading/writing memory after it has been freed
➢ Reading/writing off the end of malloc() areas
➢ Reading/writing to wrong addresses on the stack !
➢ Memory leaks - i.e.malloc() pointers lost forever
➢ Mismatched use of malloc/new[] vs. free/delete[]
➢ Overlapping pointers in memcpy() and friends
➢ Some misuses of the POSIX pthreads API
➢ Memory hog ! 25-75 times slower ! -O0 works best
Page 16
The One True Tool
If you thought Valgrind was mind-
boggling wait until you see what is the
state-of-art in debugging.
DTrace (OpenSolaris, FreeBSD, MacOS)
Using vim as an IDE all in one
Using vim as an IDE all in one
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If the tip contains good advice for current Vim, remove the {{review}} line.
Tip 1439 Previous Next created December 12, 2006 · complexity basic · author Johnny · version n/a
I've read a lot of tips about how to make Vim as an IDE like editor. Most of them are really useful, and I want to sum up them in this tip, and then add some of my experiences.
Here are some useful tips to read:
VimTip64 Always set your working directory to the file you're editing Vim online
VimTip58 Switching back and forth between ViM and Visual Studio _NET Vim online
VimTip1119 How to use Vim like an IDE Vim online
Here are some scripts I recommend:
Project 1.1.4 Organize/navigate projects of files (like IDE/buffer explorer).
TagList 4.2 Source code browser (supports C/C++, Java, Perl, Python, TCL, SQL, PHP, etc).
MiniBufExpl 6.3.2 Elegant buffer explorer; takes very little screen space.
ShowMarks-2.2 Visually shows the location of marks.
OmniCppComplete-0.4 C/C++ omni-completion with ctags database.
CRefVim-1.0.4 A C-reference manual especially designed for Vim.
exUtility-4.1.0 Global search,symbol search,tag track...(Like IDE/Source Insight).
Here are some programs you may need to download:
Here are some scripts for your vimrc: " --------------------
" ShowMarks
" --------------------
let showmarks_include = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
let g:showmarks_enable = 1
" For marks a-z
highlight ShowMarksHLl gui=bold guibg=LightBlue guifg=Blue
" For marks A-Z
highlight ShowMarksHLu gui=bold guibg=LightRed guifg=DarkRed
" For all other marks
highlight ShowMarksHLo gui=bold guibg=LightYellow guifg=DarkYellow
" For multiple marks on the same line.
highlight ShowMarksHLm gui=bold guibg=LightGreen guifg=DarkGreen
" --------------------
" Project
" --------------------
map :Project
map :Project:redraw/
nmap ToggleProject
let g:proj_window_width = 30
let g:proj_window_increment = 50
" --------------------
" exTagSelect
" --------------------
nnoremap :ExtsToggle
nnoremap ts :ExtsSelectToggle
nnoremap tt :ExtsStackToggle
map ] :ExtsGoDirectly
map [ :PopTagStack
let g:exTS_backto_editbuf = 0
let g:exTS_close_when_selected = 1
" --------------------
" exGlobalSearch
" --------------------
nnoremap :ExgsToggle
nnoremap gs :ExgsSelectToggle
nnoremap gq :ExgsQuickViewToggle
nnoremap gt :ExgsStackToggle
map :GS
map :GSW
let g:exGS_backto_editbuf = 0
let g:exGS_close_when_selected = 0
" --------------------
" exSymbolTable
" --------------------
nnoremap ss :ExslSelectToggle
nnoremap sq :ExslQuickViewToggle
nnoremap :ExslToggle
nnoremap :ExslQuickSearch/^
nnoremap sg :ExslGoDirectly
let g:exSL_SymbolSelectCmd = 'TS'
" --------------------
" exEnvironmentSetting
" --------------------
function g:exES_UpdateEnvironment()
if exists( 'g:exES_PWD' )
silent exec 'cd ' . g:exES_PWD
if exists( 'g:exES_Tag' )
let &tags = &tags . ',' . g:exES_Tag
if exists( 'g:exES_Project' )
silent exec 'Project ' . g:exES_Project
" --------------------
" TagList
" --------------------
" F4: Switch on/off TagList
nnoremap :TlistToggle
" TagListTagName - Used for tag names
highlight MyTagListTagName gui=bold guifg=Black guibg=Orange
" TagListTagScope - Used for tag scope
highlight MyTagListTagScope gui=NONE guifg=Blue
" TagListTitle - Used for tag titles
highlight MyTagListTitle gui=bold guifg=DarkRed guibg=LightGray
" TagListComment - Used for comments
highlight MyTagListComment guifg=DarkGreen
" TagListFileName - Used for filenames
highlight MyTagListFileName gui=bold guifg=Black guibg=LightBlue
"let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = $VIM.'/vimfiles/ctags.exe' " location of ctags tool
let Tlist_Show_One_File = 1 " Displaying tags for only one file~
let Tlist_Exist_OnlyWindow = 1 " if you are the last, kill yourself
let Tlist_Use_Right_Window = 1 " split to the right side of the screen
let Tlist_Sort_Type = "order" " sort by order or name
let Tlist_Display_Prototype = 0 " do not show prototypes and not tags in the taglist window.
let Tlist_Compart_Format = 1 " Remove extra information and blank lines from the taglist window.
let Tlist_GainFocus_On_ToggleOpen = 1 " Jump to taglist window on open.
let Tlist_Display_Tag_Scope = 1 " Show tag scope next to the tag name.
let Tlist_Close_On_Select = 1 " Close the taglist window when a file or tag is selected.
let Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column = 0 " Don't Show the fold indicator column in the taglist window.
let Tlist_WinWidth = 40
" let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = 'ctags --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q --languages=c++'
" very slow, so I disable this
" let Tlist_Process_File_Always = 1 " To use the :TlistShowTag and the :TlistShowPrototype commands without the taglist window and the taglist menu, you should set this variable to 1.
":TlistShowPrototype [filename] [linenumber]
" --------------------
" MiniBufExpl
" --------------------
let g:miniBufExplTabWrap = 1 " make tabs show complete (no broken on two lines)
let g:miniBufExplModSelTarget = 1 " If you use other explorers like TagList you can (As of 6.2.8) set it at 1:
let g:miniBufExplUseSingleClick = 1 " If you would like to single click on tabs rather than double clicking on them to goto the selected buffer.
let g:miniBufExplMaxSize = 1 " setting this to 0 will mean the window gets as big as needed to fit all your buffers.
"let g:miniBufExplForceSyntaxEnable = 1 " There is a Vim bug that can cause buffers to show up without their highlighting. The following setting will cause MBE to
"let g:miniBufExplorerMoreThanOne = 1 " Setting this to 0 will cause the MBE window to be loaded even
"let g:miniBufExplMapCTabSwitchBufs = 1
"let g:miniBufExplMapWindowNavArrows = 1
"for buffers that have NOT CHANGED and are NOT VISIBLE.
highlight MBENormal guibg=LightGray guifg=DarkGray
" for buffers that HAVE CHANGED and are NOT VISIBLE
highlight MBEChanged guibg=Red guifg=DarkRed
" buffers that have NOT CHANGED and are VISIBLE
highlight MBEVisibleNormal term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold guibg=Gray guifg=Black
" buffers that have CHANGED and are VISIBLE
highlight MBEVisibleChanged term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold guibg=DarkRed guifg=Black
" --------------------
" OmniCppComplete
" --------------------
" set Ctrl+j in insert mode, like VS.Net
" :inoremap pumvisible() ? "\" : "\u\"
" set completeopt as don't show menu and preview
set completeopt=menuone
" Popup menu hightLight Group
highlight Pmenu ctermbg=13 guibg=LightGray
highlight PmenuSel ctermbg=7 guibg=DarkBlue guifg=White
highlight PmenuSbar ctermbg=7 guibg=DarkGray
highlight PmenuThumb guibg=Black
" use global scope search
let OmniCpp_GlobalScopeSearch = 1
" 0 = namespaces disabled
" 1 = search namespaces in the current buffer
" 2 = search namespaces in the current buffer and in included files
let OmniCpp_NamespaceSearch = 1
" 0 = auto
" 1 = always show all members
let OmniCpp_DisplayMode = 1
" 0 = don't show scope in abbreviation
" 1 = show scope in abbreviation and remove the last column
let OmniCpp_ShowScopeInAbbr = 0
" This option allows to display the prototype of a function in the abbreviation part of the popup menu.
" 0 = don't display prototype in abbreviation
" 1 = display prototype in abbreviation
let OmniCpp_ShowPrototypeInAbbr = 1
" This option allows to show/hide the access information ('+', '#', '-') in the popup menu.
" 0 = hide access
" 1 = show access
let OmniCpp_ShowAccess = 1
" This option can be use if you don't want to parse using namespace declarations in included files and want to add namespaces that are always used in your project.
let OmniCpp_DefaultNamespaces = ["std"]
" Complete Behaviour
let OmniCpp_MayCompleteDot = 0
let OmniCpp_MayCompleteArrow = 0
let OmniCpp_MayCompleteScope = 0
" When 'completeopt' does not contain "longest", Vim automatically select the first entry of the popup menu. You can change this behaviour with the OmniCpp_SelectFirstItem option.
let OmniCpp_SelectFirstItem = 0
After setting this, now you can really using Vim as an IDE-like editor.
I usually like to create project use exUtility, use "gvim project_name.vimenvironment"
You can browse project file by Project-plugin.
You can global search and edit them by exUtility-plugin.
You can jump tag and track code by exUtility-plugin.
You can analysis code by taglist-plugin.
You can choose buffer by minibuffer-plugin.
You can set clear mark by showmark-plugin.
edit Comments
I think cscope should also have been on this list, especially for people who are editing C files (as opposed to C++, which seems to be the main focus of this tip). It has a lot more features than ctags. A nice tutorial can be found at cscope.sourceforge.net.
For real-time source code analysis, this plugin might help as well: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2368
From Vim Tips Wiki
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Please review this tip:
This tip was imported from vim.org and needs general review.
You might clean up comments or merge similar tips.
Add suitable categories so people can find the tip.
Please avoid the discussion page (use the Comments section below for notes).
If the tip contains good advice for current Vim, remove the {{review}} line.
Tip 1439 Previous Next created December 12, 2006 · complexity basic · author Johnny · version n/a
I've read a lot of tips about how to make Vim as an IDE like editor. Most of them are really useful, and I want to sum up them in this tip, and then add some of my experiences.
Here are some useful tips to read:
VimTip64 Always set your working directory to the file you're editing Vim online
VimTip58 Switching back and forth between ViM and Visual Studio _NET Vim online
VimTip1119 How to use Vim like an IDE Vim online
Here are some scripts I recommend:
Project 1.1.4 Organize/navigate projects of files (like IDE/buffer explorer).
TagList 4.2 Source code browser (supports C/C++, Java, Perl, Python, TCL, SQL, PHP, etc).
MiniBufExpl 6.3.2 Elegant buffer explorer; takes very little screen space.
ShowMarks-2.2 Visually shows the location of marks.
OmniCppComplete-0.4 C/C++ omni-completion with ctags database.
CRefVim-1.0.4 A C-reference manual especially designed for Vim.
exUtility-4.1.0 Global search,symbol search,tag track...(Like IDE/Source Insight).
Here are some programs you may need to download:
Here are some scripts for your vimrc: " --------------------
" ShowMarks
" --------------------
let showmarks_include = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
let g:showmarks_enable = 1
" For marks a-z
highlight ShowMarksHLl gui=bold guibg=LightBlue guifg=Blue
" For marks A-Z
highlight ShowMarksHLu gui=bold guibg=LightRed guifg=DarkRed
" For all other marks
highlight ShowMarksHLo gui=bold guibg=LightYellow guifg=DarkYellow
" For multiple marks on the same line.
highlight ShowMarksHLm gui=bold guibg=LightGreen guifg=DarkGreen
" --------------------
" Project
" --------------------
let g:proj_window_width = 30
let g:proj_window_increment = 50
" --------------------
" exTagSelect
" --------------------
let g:exTS_backto_editbuf = 0
let g:exTS_close_when_selected = 1
" --------------------
" exGlobalSearch
" --------------------
let g:exGS_backto_editbuf = 0
let g:exGS_close_when_selected = 0
" --------------------
" exSymbolTable
" --------------------
let g:exSL_SymbolSelectCmd = 'TS'
" --------------------
" exEnvironmentSetting
" --------------------
function g:exES_UpdateEnvironment()
if exists( 'g:exES_PWD' )
silent exec 'cd ' . g:exES_PWD
if exists( 'g:exES_Tag' )
let &tags = &tags . ',' . g:exES_Tag
if exists( 'g:exES_Project' )
silent exec 'Project ' . g:exES_Project
" --------------------
" TagList
" --------------------
" F4: Switch on/off TagList
" TagListTagName - Used for tag names
highlight MyTagListTagName gui=bold guifg=Black guibg=Orange
" TagListTagScope - Used for tag scope
highlight MyTagListTagScope gui=NONE guifg=Blue
" TagListTitle - Used for tag titles
highlight MyTagListTitle gui=bold guifg=DarkRed guibg=LightGray
" TagListComment - Used for comments
highlight MyTagListComment guifg=DarkGreen
" TagListFileName - Used for filenames
highlight MyTagListFileName gui=bold guifg=Black guibg=LightBlue
"let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = $VIM.'/vimfiles/ctags.exe' " location of ctags tool
let Tlist_Show_One_File = 1 " Displaying tags for only one file~
let Tlist_Exist_OnlyWindow = 1 " if you are the last, kill yourself
let Tlist_Use_Right_Window = 1 " split to the right side of the screen
let Tlist_Sort_Type = "order" " sort by order or name
let Tlist_Display_Prototype = 0 " do not show prototypes and not tags in the taglist window.
let Tlist_Compart_Format = 1 " Remove extra information and blank lines from the taglist window.
let Tlist_GainFocus_On_ToggleOpen = 1 " Jump to taglist window on open.
let Tlist_Display_Tag_Scope = 1 " Show tag scope next to the tag name.
let Tlist_Close_On_Select = 1 " Close the taglist window when a file or tag is selected.
let Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column = 0 " Don't Show the fold indicator column in the taglist window.
let Tlist_WinWidth = 40
" let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = 'ctags --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q --languages=c++'
" very slow, so I disable this
" let Tlist_Process_File_Always = 1 " To use the :TlistShowTag and the :TlistShowPrototype commands without the taglist window and the taglist menu, you should set this variable to 1.
":TlistShowPrototype [filename] [linenumber]
" --------------------
" MiniBufExpl
" --------------------
let g:miniBufExplTabWrap = 1 " make tabs show complete (no broken on two lines)
let g:miniBufExplModSelTarget = 1 " If you use other explorers like TagList you can (As of 6.2.8) set it at 1:
let g:miniBufExplUseSingleClick = 1 " If you would like to single click on tabs rather than double clicking on them to goto the selected buffer.
let g:miniBufExplMaxSize = 1 "
"let g:miniBufExplForceSyntaxEnable = 1 " There is a Vim bug that can cause buffers to show up without their highlighting. The following setting will cause MBE to
"let g:miniBufExplorerMoreThanOne = 1 " Setting this to 0 will cause the MBE window to be loaded even
"let g:miniBufExplMapCTabSwitchBufs = 1
"let g:miniBufExplMapWindowNavArrows = 1
"for buffers that have NOT CHANGED and are NOT VISIBLE.
highlight MBENormal guibg=LightGray guifg=DarkGray
" for buffers that HAVE CHANGED and are NOT VISIBLE
highlight MBEChanged guibg=Red guifg=DarkRed
" buffers that have NOT CHANGED and are VISIBLE
highlight MBEVisibleNormal term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold guibg=Gray guifg=Black
" buffers that have CHANGED and are VISIBLE
highlight MBEVisibleChanged term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold guibg=DarkRed guifg=Black
" --------------------
" OmniCppComplete
" --------------------
" set Ctrl+j in insert mode, like VS.Net
" :inoremap
" set completeopt as don't show menu and preview
set completeopt=menuone
" Popup menu hightLight Group
highlight Pmenu ctermbg=13 guibg=LightGray
highlight PmenuSel ctermbg=7 guibg=DarkBlue guifg=White
highlight PmenuSbar ctermbg=7 guibg=DarkGray
highlight PmenuThumb guibg=Black
" use global scope search
let OmniCpp_GlobalScopeSearch = 1
" 0 = namespaces disabled
" 1 = search namespaces in the current buffer
" 2 = search namespaces in the current buffer and in included files
let OmniCpp_NamespaceSearch = 1
" 0 = auto
" 1 = always show all members
let OmniCpp_DisplayMode = 1
" 0 = don't show scope in abbreviation
" 1 = show scope in abbreviation and remove the last column
let OmniCpp_ShowScopeInAbbr = 0
" This option allows to display the prototype of a function in the abbreviation part of the popup menu.
" 0 = don't display prototype in abbreviation
" 1 = display prototype in abbreviation
let OmniCpp_ShowPrototypeInAbbr = 1
" This option allows to show/hide the access information ('+', '#', '-') in the popup menu.
" 0 = hide access
" 1 = show access
let OmniCpp_ShowAccess = 1
" This option can be use if you don't want to parse using namespace declarations in included files and want to add namespaces that are always used in your project.
let OmniCpp_DefaultNamespaces = ["std"]
" Complete Behaviour
let OmniCpp_MayCompleteDot = 0
let OmniCpp_MayCompleteArrow = 0
let OmniCpp_MayCompleteScope = 0
" When 'completeopt' does not contain "longest", Vim automatically select the first entry of the popup menu. You can change this behaviour with the OmniCpp_SelectFirstItem option.
let OmniCpp_SelectFirstItem = 0
After setting this, now you can really using Vim as an IDE-like editor.
I usually like to create project use exUtility, use "gvim project_name.vimenvironment"
You can browse project file by Project-plugin.
You can global search and edit them by exUtility-plugin.
You can jump tag and track code by exUtility-plugin.
You can analysis code by taglist-plugin.
You can choose buffer by minibuffer-plugin.
You can set clear mark by showmark-plugin.
edit Comments
I think cscope should also have been on this list, especially for people who are editing C files (as opposed to C++, which seems to be the main focus of this tip). It has a lot more features than ctags. A nice tutorial can be found at cscope.sourceforge.net.
For real-time source code analysis, this plugin might help as well: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2368
Kscope vs. SourceInsight
Kscope vs. SourceInsight
雖然以前就聽過Kscope,但是為了效率(不需要用到滑鼠)我一直都是用 vim + cscope 在trace code,不過最近念頭一轉,決定不要繼續虐待自己而開始使用滑鼠 :)
SourceInsight (*)
張貼者: t@c0 位於 4:04 PM
cscope - is a console mode or text-based graphical interface that allows computer programmers or software developers to search C source code (there is limited support for other languages). It is often used on very large projects to find source code, functions, declarations, definitions and regular expressions given a text string.
cscope is a good equivalent on linux.If you use KDE, there's a nice GUI to it called Kscope.
雖然以前就聽過Kscope,但是為了效率(不需要用到滑鼠)我一直都是用 vim + cscope 在trace code,不過最近念頭一轉,決定不要繼續虐待自己而開始使用滑鼠 :)
SourceInsight (*)
張貼者: t@c0 位於 4:04 PM
cscope - is a console mode or text-based graphical interface that allows computer programmers or software developers to search C source code (there is limited support for other languages). It is often used on very large projects to find source code, functions, declarations, definitions and regular expressions given a text string.
cscope is a good equivalent on linux.If you use KDE, there's a nice GUI to it called Kscope.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Regionally independent date time parsing
@echo off
:: If you want the date independently of the region day/month order, you can use "WMIC os GET LocalDateTime" as a source, since it's in ISO order:
for /F "usebackq tokens=1,2 delims==" %%i in (`wmic os get LocalDateTime /VALUE 2^>NUL`) do if '.%%i.'=='.LocalDateTime.' set ldt=%%j
set format1=%ldt:~0,4%-%ldt:~4,2%-%ldt:~6,2% %ldt:~8,2%:%ldt:~10,2%:%ldt:~12,6%
set format2=%ldt:~0,4%-%ldt:~4,2%-%ldt:~6,2%_%ldt:~8,2%%ldt:~10,2%%ldt:~12,6%
echo Local date is [%format1%]
echo Local date is [%format2%]
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Volume Shadow Copy Failed to create the storage area association
When I tried to move the storage area from one disk to another disk, I saw following error message:
Failed to create the storage area association.
Error 0x8004231d: The specified shadow copy storage association is in use and so can't be deleted.
Run cmd as administrator
List existing volume shadow copies:
cmd> vssadmin list shadows
List volume shadow copy storage associations:
cmd> vssadmin list shadowstorage
cmd> vssadmin delete shadowstorage /for=D: /on=D:
Error: The specified shadow copy storage association is in use.
Note: VSSadmin is now replaced by the Diskshadow on windows server 2008 and Windows Server 2012.
cmd> vssadmin delete shadows /For=D: /Oldest
Error: Snapshots were found, but they were outside of your allowed context. Try removing them with the backup application which created them.
Note: VSSadmin command is now replaced by the Diskshadow command on windows server 2008 and Windows Server 2012.
Use diskshadow command to remove the shadow copies:
cmd> diskshadow
diskshadow> help
List all volume shadow copies on the computer:
diskshadow> list shadows all
Number of shadow copies listed: 1
To list diskshadow command options:
diskshadow> delete shadows
Delete the oldest shadow copy of the given volume or shared folder:
diskshadow> delete shadows oldest d:
diskshadow> delete shadows oldest \\SERVER\SHARE
Delete all shadow copies of the given volume or shared folder:
diskshadow> delete shadows volume d:
When I tried to move the storage area from one disk to another disk, I saw following error message:
Failed to create the storage area association.
Error 0x8004231d: The specified shadow copy storage association is in use and so can't be deleted.
Run cmd as administrator
List existing volume shadow copies:
cmd> vssadmin list shadows
List volume shadow copy storage associations:
cmd> vssadmin list shadowstorage
cmd> vssadmin delete shadowstorage /for=D: /on=D:
Error: The specified shadow copy storage association is in use.
Note: VSSadmin is now replaced by the Diskshadow on windows server 2008 and Windows Server 2012.
cmd> vssadmin delete shadows /For=D: /Oldest
Error: Snapshots were found, but they were outside of your allowed context. Try removing them with the backup application which created them.
Note: VSSadmin command is now replaced by the Diskshadow command on windows server 2008 and Windows Server 2012.
Use diskshadow command to remove the shadow copies:
cmd> diskshadow
diskshadow> help
List all volume shadow copies on the computer:
diskshadow> list shadows all
Number of shadow copies listed: 1
To list diskshadow command options:
diskshadow> delete shadows
Delete the oldest shadow copy of the given volume or shared folder:
diskshadow> delete shadows oldest d:
diskshadow> delete shadows oldest \\SERVER\SHARE
Delete all shadow copies of the given volume or shared folder:
diskshadow> delete shadows volume d:
pfSense Remotely Circumvent Firewall Lockout by Temporarily Changing the Firewall Rules
pfSense Remotely Circumvent Firewall Lockout by Temporarily Changing the Firewall Rules
You could (very temporarily) disable firewall rules by typing:
# pfctl -d
Once you have regained the necessary access, turn the firewall back on by typing:
# pfctl -e
Alternately, the loaded ruleset is left in /tmp/rules.debug. You can edit that to fix your connectivity issue and reload those rules like so:
# pfctl -f /tmp/rules.debug
# less /tmp/rules.debug | grep MyGatewayIP
After that, do whatever work you need to do in the WebGUI to make the fix permanent. (From billm in this forum post)
Note: 建議透過 WebGUI 去做 IP address and gateway 的改動,這樣正確的值才會寫到 /tmp/rules.debug,否則網路有可能就不通 (還是沿用舊 IP,新 IP 沒被寫入 rule 檔)。
Flush all (nat, filter, queue, state, info, table) rules and reload from the file /etc/pf.conf
# pfctl -F all -f /tmp/rules.debug
Report on the currently loaded filter ruleset.
# pfctl -s rules
Report on the currently loaded nat ruleset.
# pfctl -s nat
Report on the currently running state table (very useful).
# pfctl -s state
If you do not want to disable pf, but you still need to get in, you can run the following shell command to add an "allow all" rule on the WAN:
# pfSsh.php playback enableallowallwan
Note: This is VERY DANGEROUS to keep around, so once you have regained access to the GUI with proper rules, be sure to delete this "allow all" rule.
Add firewall rule at the command line with easyrule
You can use the command line version of easyrule to add a firewall rule to let you back in.
# easyrule pass wan tcp x.x.x.x y.y.y.y 443
That would pass in from the remote IP x.x.x.x to your WAN IP, y.y.y.y on port 443. Adjust as needed.
Remotely Circumvent Firewall Lockout With SSH Tunneling
If you blocked access to the WebGUI remotely (which is smart to do, anyhow) but you still have access with SSH, then there is a relatively easy way to get in: SSH Tunneling.
If the WebGUI is on port 80, set your client to forward local port 80 (or 8080, or whatever) to remote port "localhost:80", then point your browser to http://localhost:80 (or whichever local port you chose.) If your WebGUI is on another port, use that instead. Obviously, if you are using https you will still need to use https to access the WebGUI this way.
Here is how to setup a port 80 tunnel in PuTTY:
Fill out the options as shown, then click add. Once you connect and enter your username/password, you can access the WebGUI using your redirected local port.
You could (very temporarily) disable firewall rules by typing:
# pfctl -d
Once you have regained the necessary access, turn the firewall back on by typing:
# pfctl -e
Alternately, the loaded ruleset is left in /tmp/rules.debug. You can edit that to fix your connectivity issue and reload those rules like so:
# pfctl -f /tmp/rules.debug
# less /tmp/rules.debug | grep MyGatewayIP
After that, do whatever work you need to do in the WebGUI to make the fix permanent. (From billm in this forum post)
Note: 建議透過 WebGUI 去做 IP address and gateway 的改動,這樣正確的值才會寫到 /tmp/rules.debug,否則網路有可能就不通 (還是沿用舊 IP,新 IP 沒被寫入 rule 檔)。
Flush all (nat, filter, queue, state, info, table) rules and reload from the file /etc/pf.conf
# pfctl -F all -f /tmp/rules.debug
Report on the currently loaded filter ruleset.
# pfctl -s rules
Report on the currently loaded nat ruleset.
# pfctl -s nat
Report on the currently running state table (very useful).
# pfctl -s state
If you do not want to disable pf, but you still need to get in, you can run the following shell command to add an "allow all" rule on the WAN:
# pfSsh.php playback enableallowallwan
Note: This is VERY DANGEROUS to keep around, so once you have regained access to the GUI with proper rules, be sure to delete this "allow all" rule.
Add firewall rule at the command line with easyrule
You can use the command line version of easyrule to add a firewall rule to let you back in.
# easyrule pass wan tcp x.x.x.x y.y.y.y 443
That would pass in from the remote IP x.x.x.x to your WAN IP, y.y.y.y on port 443. Adjust as needed.
Remotely Circumvent Firewall Lockout With SSH Tunneling
If you blocked access to the WebGUI remotely (which is smart to do, anyhow) but you still have access with SSH, then there is a relatively easy way to get in: SSH Tunneling.
If the WebGUI is on port 80, set your client to forward local port 80 (or 8080, or whatever) to remote port "localhost:80", then point your browser to http://localhost:80 (or whichever local port you chose.) If your WebGUI is on another port, use that instead. Obviously, if you are using https you will still need to use https to access the WebGUI this way.
Here is how to setup a port 80 tunnel in PuTTY:
Fill out the options as shown, then click add. Once you connect and enter your username/password, you can access the WebGUI using your redirected local port.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

海爾集團CEO/張瑞敏 演講語錄
Squid transparent SSL proxy on pfSense
Hi there,
I've got squid 2.7 setup and running as a transparent HTTP proxy on
pfSense 2.1 snapshot from June 28th.
Now I'd like to set it up as an HTTPS transparent proxy as well.
In the proxy server's custom options box I've added :
https_port transparent \
cert=/etc/certs/pfsense.example.org.pem \
Then I've created a NAT (Port Forward) rule to redirect all HTTPS
(destination port) traffic over to, and automatically
added an associated filter rule which allows such connections.
Now when I'm trying to access to https://www.gmail.com for example, I've
got the browser warning about the name mismatch wrt the local
certificate (we're fine with that), but then I've got this message in my
browser :
(92) Protocol error
Squid's access.log contains :
1343186054.441 256 TCP_MISS/502 1481 GET https://www.gmail.com/ - DIRECT/ text/html
And Squid's cache.log contains :
2012/07/25 14:14:14| SSL unknown certificate error 20 in /C=US/ST=California/L=Mountain View/O=Google Inc/CN=mail.google.com
2012/07/25 14:14:14| fwdNegotiateSSL: Error negotiating SSL connection on FD 37: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed (1/-1/0)
Any idea what I'm doing wrong ?
> Any idea what I'm doing wrong ?
This is what you're doing wrong:
> Now I'd like to set it up as an HTTPS transparent proxy as well.
HTTPS traffic is encrypted, and squid is lacking the proper
keys/certificates to decrypt it.
In theory, you could set up squid with its own certificates, but that
will turn squid into a man-in-the-middle, i.e. all your clients will
complain that the certificate doesn't match the sites they're trying to
IOW: Just don't do it.
I'd suggest looking into browser autoconfiguration using auto.pac /
wpad.dat files.
I know this is man in the middle, and I even wrote that we were OK with the browser message which clearly says there's something like a man in the middle attack going on.
Since I've added its own certificate to Squid, it isn't lacking them, and so it "*should*" work from what I've read on the net about this subject. But clearly I'm missing something because instead of having the traffic decrypted by Squid and then encrypted again by Squid for local clients, I've got a Protocol Error.
So my original question was not about it being OK to do it or not, but more about why it didn't work as expected.
Thanks for your feedback anyway, if I can't do otherwise I'll play with autoconfiguration scripts.
Jerome Alet
> So my original question was not about it being OK to do it or not, but
more about why it didn't work as expected.
See here:
You need to allow for ssl cert errors or ignore ssl certificate errors.
This could be a threat because squid decides on the validity of certificate
on say name mismatch by itself without end user being informed.
> I decided to enable transparent proxy on my school firewall because I
> was getting a million requests a day to configure proxy settings on
> student laptops.
> But now that I turned on transparent proxy, students have discovered
> that they can get to banned sites (like facebook) via https.
> http://www.facebook.com is blocked but https://www.facebook.com still
> works.
> Can someone let me know how to block these? I understand I have to deny
> the 'connect method' but don't see where to do this. Can this only be
> done in command line?
You cannot transparently proxy SSL connections. You would have to deny
outbound access to port 443 and if they want SSL, they must configure
the proxy settings into their browser(s) either by hand or automatically
with something like WPAD.
If you don´t want any www.facebook.com connections at all you can use the DNS Forwarder to change its IP to something else...
> I can't block tcp 443 on a wholesale basis; we need it for lots of stuff. If I can do it for a single domain, I'm there.
The idea is to set up a non-transparent proxy for all traffic and block any traffic not using the proxy.
The whole purpose of https is to prevent a third party (in this case your firewall) from seeing anything above the minimum routing information (source and destination IP address).
I think WPAD is the way to go for this one.
(Where I went to high school, they somehow blocked certain https sites, but I think it was by IP and the subscription service they used for the block list actually listed all the IPs for facebook and other blocked sites.)
Web proxy caching is a way to store requested Internet objects (e.g. data like web pages) available via the HTTP, FTP, and Gopher protocols on a system closer to the requesting site. Web browsers can then use the local Squid cache as a proxy HTTP server, reducing access time as well as bandwidth consumption. This is often useful for Internet service providers to increase speed to their customers, and LANs that share an Internet connection. Because it is also a proxy (i.e. it behaves like a client on behalf of the real client), it can provide some anonymity and security. However, it also can introduce significant privacy concerns as it can log a lot of data including URLs requested, the exact date and time, the name and version of the requester's web browser and operating system, and the referrer.
A client program (e.g. browser) either has to specify explicitly the proxy server it wants to use (typical for ISP customers), or it could be using a proxy without any extra configuration: "transparent caching", in which case all outgoing HTTP requests are intercepted by Squid and all responses are cached. The latter is typically a corporate set-up (all clients are on the same LAN) and often introduces the privacy concerns mentioned above.
I've got squid 2.7 setup and running as a transparent HTTP proxy on
pfSense 2.1 snapshot from June 28th.
Now I'd like to set it up as an HTTPS transparent proxy as well.
In the proxy server's custom options box I've added :
https_port transparent \
cert=/etc/certs/pfsense.example.org.pem \
Then I've created a NAT (Port Forward) rule to redirect all HTTPS
(destination port) traffic over to, and automatically
added an associated filter rule which allows such connections.
Now when I'm trying to access to https://www.gmail.com for example, I've
got the browser warning about the name mismatch wrt the local
certificate (we're fine with that), but then I've got this message in my
browser :
(92) Protocol error
Squid's access.log contains :
1343186054.441 256 TCP_MISS/502 1481 GET https://www.gmail.com/ - DIRECT/ text/html
And Squid's cache.log contains :
2012/07/25 14:14:14| SSL unknown certificate error 20 in /C=US/ST=California/L=Mountain View/O=Google Inc/CN=mail.google.com
2012/07/25 14:14:14| fwdNegotiateSSL: Error negotiating SSL connection on FD 37: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed (1/-1/0)
Any idea what I'm doing wrong ?
> Any idea what I'm doing wrong ?
This is what you're doing wrong:
> Now I'd like to set it up as an HTTPS transparent proxy as well.
HTTPS traffic is encrypted, and squid is lacking the proper
keys/certificates to decrypt it.
In theory, you could set up squid with its own certificates, but that
will turn squid into a man-in-the-middle, i.e. all your clients will
complain that the certificate doesn't match the sites they're trying to
IOW: Just don't do it.
I'd suggest looking into browser autoconfiguration using auto.pac /
wpad.dat files.
I know this is man in the middle, and I even wrote that we were OK with the browser message which clearly says there's something like a man in the middle attack going on.
Since I've added its own certificate to Squid, it isn't lacking them, and so it "*should*" work from what I've read on the net about this subject. But clearly I'm missing something because instead of having the traffic decrypted by Squid and then encrypted again by Squid for local clients, I've got a Protocol Error.
So my original question was not about it being OK to do it or not, but more about why it didn't work as expected.
Thanks for your feedback anyway, if I can't do otherwise I'll play with autoconfiguration scripts.
Jerome Alet
> So my original question was not about it being OK to do it or not, but
more about why it didn't work as expected.
See here:
You need to allow for ssl cert errors or ignore ssl certificate errors.
This could be a threat because squid decides on the validity of certificate
on say name mismatch by itself without end user being informed.
> I decided to enable transparent proxy on my school firewall because I
> was getting a million requests a day to configure proxy settings on
> student laptops.
> But now that I turned on transparent proxy, students have discovered
> that they can get to banned sites (like facebook) via https.
> http://www.facebook.com is blocked but https://www.facebook.com still
> works.
> Can someone let me know how to block these? I understand I have to deny
> the 'connect method' but don't see where to do this. Can this only be
> done in command line?
You cannot transparently proxy SSL connections. You would have to deny
outbound access to port 443 and if they want SSL, they must configure
the proxy settings into their browser(s) either by hand or automatically
with something like WPAD.
If you don´t want any www.facebook.com connections at all you can use the DNS Forwarder to change its IP to something else...
> I can't block tcp 443 on a wholesale basis; we need it for lots of stuff. If I can do it for a single domain, I'm there.
The idea is to set up a non-transparent proxy for all traffic and block any traffic not using the proxy.
The whole purpose of https is to prevent a third party (in this case your firewall) from seeing anything above the minimum routing information (source and destination IP address).
I think WPAD is the way to go for this one.
(Where I went to high school, they somehow blocked certain https sites, but I think it was by IP and the subscription service they used for the block list actually listed all the IPs for facebook and other blocked sites.)
Web proxy caching is a way to store requested Internet objects (e.g. data like web pages) available via the HTTP, FTP, and Gopher protocols on a system closer to the requesting site. Web browsers can then use the local Squid cache as a proxy HTTP server, reducing access time as well as bandwidth consumption. This is often useful for Internet service providers to increase speed to their customers, and LANs that share an Internet connection. Because it is also a proxy (i.e. it behaves like a client on behalf of the real client), it can provide some anonymity and security. However, it also can introduce significant privacy concerns as it can log a lot of data including URLs requested, the exact date and time, the name and version of the requester's web browser and operating system, and the referrer.
A client program (e.g. browser) either has to specify explicitly the proxy server it wants to use (typical for ISP customers), or it could be using a proxy without any extra configuration: "transparent caching", in which case all outgoing HTTP requests are intercepted by Squid and all responses are cached. The latter is typically a corporate set-up (all clients are on the same LAN) and often introduces the privacy concerns mentioned above.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Monitor network bandwidth usage with NetFlow, flow-tools, MySQL on FreeBSD
ng_netflow - a NetGraph-based kernel module for FreeBSD.
sFlow - Eric Chou: NFSen 和 NFDump 都是好軟體,謝謝介紹。順帶一提的是有一些產品已不支持 NetFlow v5,例如 Cisco ASA (8.0 後) 還有就是我以前在安裝時曾浪費了一些時間抓 Bug 結果發現 ASA 根本需要用不同的版本,NetFlow Security Event (NSEL)。在高傳送或非 Cisco 的環境下,有時 sFlow 也是一種選擇。
ipcad - is an IP accounting daemon. It uses bpf or pcap to access interfaces and gather IP statistics. Collected numbers are arranged to form an address-to-address flow pairs and than can be accessed via rsh in Cisco fashion, or exported via NetFlow UDP protocol.
fprobe - a NetFlow probe - libpcap-based tool that collects network traffic data and emit it as NetFlow flows towards the specified collector.
Wireshark - Wireshark is a free and open-source packet analyzer.
Adventnet Netflow Analyzer
Using "NetFlow" requires:
RusDyr: I usually recommend ng_netflow + flow-tools. I use it on regular basis in ISP's environment.
NetFlow Packet transport protocol
NetFlow records are traditionally exported using User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and collected using a NetFlow collector. The IP address of the NetFlow collector and the destination UDP port must be configured on the sending router. The standard value is UDP port 2055, but other values like 9555 or 9995 are often used.
For efficiency reasons, the router traditionally does not keep track of flow records already exported, so if a NetFlow packet is dropped due to network congestion or packet corruption, all contained records are lost forever. The UDP protocol does not inform the router of the loss so it can send the packets again. This can be a real problem, especially with NetFlow v8 or v9 that can aggregate a lot of packets or flows into a single record. A single UDP packet loss can cause a huge impact on the statistics of some flows.
That is why some modern implementations of NetFlow use the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) to export packets so as to provide some protection against packet loss, and make sure that NetFlow v9 templates are received before any related record is exported. Note that TCP would not be suitable for NetFlow because a strict ordering of packets would cause excessive buffering and delays.
The problem with SCTP is that it requires interaction between each NetFlow collector and each routers exporting NetFlow. There may be performance limitations if a router has to deal with many NetFlow collectors, and a NetFlow collector has to deal with lots of routers, especially when some of them are unavailable due to failure or maintenance.
SCTP may not be efficient if NetFlow must be exported toward several independent collectors, some of which may be test servers that can go down at any moment. UDP allows simple replication of NetFlow packets using Network taps or L2 or L3 Mirroring. Simple stateless equipment can also filter or change the destination address of NetFlow UDP packets if necessary. Since NetFlow export almost only use network backbone links, packet loss will often be negligible. If it happens, it will mostly be on the link between the network and the NetFlow collectors.
On Sensor machine, make sure netgraph is supported:
# ls /boot/kernel/netgraph*
# ls /boot/kernel/ng_ether*
# ls /boot/kernel/ng_one2many*
On Sensor machine:
# vim /boot/loader.conf
Reboot the system to ensure the kernel modules are loaded:
# sync;sync;reboot
# kldload /boot/kernel/ng_ether.ko
# kldload /boot/kernel/ng_one2many.ko
Make sure the kernel modules are loaded:
# kldstat
Id Refs Address Size Name
1 7 0xffffffff80200000 1323388 kernel
2 1 0xffffffff81524000 45c8 ng_ether.ko
3 3 0xffffffff81529000 15330 netgraph.ko
4 1 0xffffffff8153f000 2bc0 ng_one2many.ko
On Sensor machine:
# vim /etc/ng_conf
mkpeer em0: netflow lower iface0
name em0:lower netflow
connect em0: netflow: upper out0
mkpeer netflow: ksocket export inet/dgram/udp
msg netflow:export connect inet/
Note: em0 is the network interface to listen to.
Note: is the collector's IP address and its port number.
On Sensor machine:
# /usr/sbin/ngctl -f /etc/ng_conf
# sockstat | grep 2055
Sensing the Sensor
It is also useful to determine that the sensor data is reaching your collector's network interface before installing a collector. A simple tcpdump invocation should be sufficient to let you see whether traffic is coming from your sensor's IP address, to the collector's IP address at the specified port.
Run tcpdump on Collector:
# tcpdump -nettti em0 udp and port 2055
Note: you have to wait for few minutes to see the Sensor sending the packets.
Install flow-tools on Collector with MySQL support:
# cd /usr/ports/net-mgmt/flow-tools/
# make config-recursive
# make install clean
MYSQL=on: MySQL database support
# mkdir /var/log/netflows
# chmod 755 /var/log/netflows
# chown root:wheel /var/log/netflows
Note: the configuration files of flow-tools can be found at /usr/local/etc/flow-tools.
Run flow-capture on Collector:
# /usr/local/bin/flow-capture -n 287 -S 5 -w /var/log/netflows/ 0/0/2055
Note: -S stat_interval log a timestamped message every stat_interval minutes indicating counters such as the number of flows received, packets processed, and lost flows.
Note: -n rotations the number of times a new file per day. -n 287 means 288 samples during all day (every 5 minutes).
Note: 0/0/2055 is LocalIP/RemoteIP/port. Use 0 for any IP address.
Note: -w workdir set the workdir to /var/log/netflows/.
Make sure flow-capture is running:
# ps auxww | grep -i flow-capture
# sockstat | grep flow-cap
Make sure the network interface of the Collector is in promiscuous mode:
# ifconfig em0 | grep -i promisc
# grep -i promisc /var/log/messages
Jun 1 21:10:21 bsd-netflow kernel: em0: promiscuous mode enabled
If the interface is not in promiscuous mode:
# ifconfig em0 promisc
Log Files
When flow-capture is working correctly, data files will be stored in the specified directory, with data split into date folders, such as:
the file naming convention for the incremental files are:
- tmp-v05.YYY-MM-DD.HHMMSS+UTCTZ // temporary file
- ft-v05.YY-MM-DD.HHMMSS+UTCTZ // permanent file
flow-capture will generate a tmp-* file once it is running:
# ps auxww | grep -i flow-capture
# find /var/log/netflows -name 'tmp*'
Note: file begins with tmp-* is a temporary file, which will be moved to ft-* as a permanent file (every 5 minutes in our setting).
Note: v05 means Netflow version 5.
Note: -0700 means UTC (standard time) -7 hours.
Log messages
flow-capture logs its messages, errors to syslog's /var/log/messages which can be monitored.
Export the netflow data from binary to ASCII text file:
# flow-export -f2 -m0x303000 < ft-v05.2013-05-31.174501-0700 > test.txt
Export the netflow data from binary into MySQL with flow-tools:
Create a new database called "netflow", with following table:
Create a "rotate program" that will actually enter in the information into mysql:
# cat /etc/myscript/flow-mysql-export.sh
/usr/local/bin/flow-export -f3 -u "username:password:localhost:3306:netflow:flows" < /var/log/netflows/$1
Kill the previous flow-capture process:
# ps auxww | grep -i flow-capture
root 13813 0.0 0.5 22588 9628 ?? Ss 5:39PM 0:00.65 /usr/local/bin/flow-capture -w /var/log/netflows -S 5 0/0/2055
# kill 13813
Run flow-capture with mysql-export enabled:
# /usr/local/bin/flow-capture -n 287 -S 5 -w /var/log/netflows -R /etc/myscript/flow-mysql-export.sh 0/0/2055
Run MySQL Query:
mysql> SELECT * FROM netflow.flows;
Note: IP protocol 1 is for ICMP, 6 is for TCP and 17 is for UDP. Refer to the List of IP protocol numbers.
Print the netflow data in human readable format:
# flow-print -p < /var/log/netflows/2013/2013-06/2013-06-01/ft-v05.2013-06-01.215000-0700 | less
Print the netflow data in human readable format:
# flow-cat /var/log/netflows/2013/2013-06/2013-06-01/ft-v05.2013-06-01.220000-0700 | flow-print -f 5 | less
Note: the octets column, one octet equals to 8 bits (one byte).
Print the netflow data with filter:
# flow-cat ft-v05.2013-06-04.161001-0700 | flow-filter -p 53 | flow-print -f 5 | less
Generate reports from the netflow data:
# flow-cat /var/log/netflows/2013/2013-06/2013-06-01/ft-v05.2013-06-01.214000-0700 | flow-report | less
Install FlowViewer:
# cd /usr/ports/net-mgmt/flowviewer
# make config-recursive
# make install
# cd /usr/local/www/flowviewer
# cp FlowViewer_Configuration.pm.dist FlowViewer_Configuration.pm
You can find additional information in the:
# less /usr/local/share/doc/flowviewer/README
Alternative tool to export the netflow data:
p5-Cflow is a perl module for analyzing raw flow files written by cflowd, a package used to collect Cisco NetFlow data.
# cd /usr/ports/net-mgmt/p5-Cflow/
# make install clean
# flowdumper -s ft-v05.2013-05-31.174151-0700
# flowdumper -v ft-v05.2013-05-31.174151-0700
# flowdumper -V ft-v05.2013-05-31.174151-0700
Install nfsen:
# cd /usr/ports/net-mgmt/nfsen
# make config-recursive
check NFTRACK - with PortTracker support.
# make install
%sources = (
'mysrv' => { 'port' => '2055', 'col' => '#0000ff', 'type' => 'netflow' },
Note: mysrv needs to be resolvable to the IP address of the netflow source device (add record in /etc/hosts file).
Note: check directory and file permission!!!
# cd /usr/local/www/apache22/data
# ln -s /usr/local/www/nfsen nfsen
# less /usr/ports/net-mgmt/nfsen/work/nfsen-1.3.6p1/contrib/PortTracker/INSTALL
# mkdir /usr/local/var/nfsen/portdb
# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/nfsen restart
ng_netflow - a NetGraph-based kernel module for FreeBSD.
sFlow - Eric Chou: NFSen 和 NFDump 都是好軟體,謝謝介紹。順帶一提的是有一些產品已不支持 NetFlow v5,例如 Cisco ASA (8.0 後) 還有就是我以前在安裝時曾浪費了一些時間抓 Bug 結果發現 ASA 根本需要用不同的版本,NetFlow Security Event (NSEL)。在高傳送或非 Cisco 的環境下,有時 sFlow 也是一種選擇。
ipcad - is an IP accounting daemon. It uses bpf or pcap to access interfaces and gather IP statistics. Collected numbers are arranged to form an address-to-address flow pairs and than can be accessed via rsh in Cisco fashion, or exported via NetFlow UDP protocol.
fprobe - a NetFlow probe - libpcap-based tool that collects network traffic data and emit it as NetFlow flows towards the specified collector.
Wireshark - Wireshark is a free and open-source packet analyzer.
Adventnet Netflow Analyzer
Using "NetFlow" requires:
- Sensor: netflow export from your network device(s) - e.g. on Cisco IOS "ip flow-export destination x.x.x.x yyyy"
- Collector: a netflow collector daemon/application to stick the exported flow info into a database
- Analyzer/Cruncher/Reporter: an analysis tool to report on the netflow information collected.
RusDyr: I usually recommend ng_netflow + flow-tools. I use it on regular basis in ISP's environment.
NetFlow Packet transport protocol
NetFlow records are traditionally exported using User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and collected using a NetFlow collector. The IP address of the NetFlow collector and the destination UDP port must be configured on the sending router. The standard value is UDP port 2055, but other values like 9555 or 9995 are often used.
For efficiency reasons, the router traditionally does not keep track of flow records already exported, so if a NetFlow packet is dropped due to network congestion or packet corruption, all contained records are lost forever. The UDP protocol does not inform the router of the loss so it can send the packets again. This can be a real problem, especially with NetFlow v8 or v9 that can aggregate a lot of packets or flows into a single record. A single UDP packet loss can cause a huge impact on the statistics of some flows.
That is why some modern implementations of NetFlow use the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) to export packets so as to provide some protection against packet loss, and make sure that NetFlow v9 templates are received before any related record is exported. Note that TCP would not be suitable for NetFlow because a strict ordering of packets would cause excessive buffering and delays.
The problem with SCTP is that it requires interaction between each NetFlow collector and each routers exporting NetFlow. There may be performance limitations if a router has to deal with many NetFlow collectors, and a NetFlow collector has to deal with lots of routers, especially when some of them are unavailable due to failure or maintenance.
SCTP may not be efficient if NetFlow must be exported toward several independent collectors, some of which may be test servers that can go down at any moment. UDP allows simple replication of NetFlow packets using Network taps or L2 or L3 Mirroring. Simple stateless equipment can also filter or change the destination address of NetFlow UDP packets if necessary. Since NetFlow export almost only use network backbone links, packet loss will often be negligible. If it happens, it will mostly be on the link between the network and the NetFlow collectors.
On Sensor machine, make sure netgraph is supported:
# ls /boot/kernel/netgraph*
# ls /boot/kernel/ng_ether*
# ls /boot/kernel/ng_one2many*
On Sensor machine:
# vim /boot/loader.conf
Reboot the system to ensure the kernel modules are loaded:
# sync;sync;reboot
# kldload /boot/kernel/ng_ether.ko
# kldload /boot/kernel/ng_one2many.ko
Make sure the kernel modules are loaded:
# kldstat
Id Refs Address Size Name
1 7 0xffffffff80200000 1323388 kernel
2 1 0xffffffff81524000 45c8 ng_ether.ko
3 3 0xffffffff81529000 15330 netgraph.ko
4 1 0xffffffff8153f000 2bc0 ng_one2many.ko
On Sensor machine:
# vim /etc/ng_conf
mkpeer em0: netflow lower iface0
name em0:lower netflow
connect em0: netflow: upper out0
mkpeer netflow: ksocket export inet/dgram/udp
msg netflow:export connect inet/
Note: em0 is the network interface to listen to.
Note: is the collector's IP address and its port number.
On Sensor machine:
# /usr/sbin/ngctl -f /etc/ng_conf
# sockstat | grep 2055
Sensing the Sensor
It is also useful to determine that the sensor data is reaching your collector's network interface before installing a collector. A simple tcpdump invocation should be sufficient to let you see whether traffic is coming from your sensor's IP address, to the collector's IP address at the specified port.
Run tcpdump on Collector:
# tcpdump -nettti em0 udp and port 2055
Note: you have to wait for few minutes to see the Sensor sending the packets.
Install flow-tools on Collector with MySQL support:
# cd /usr/ports/net-mgmt/flow-tools/
# make config-recursive
# make install clean
MYSQL=on: MySQL database support
# mkdir /var/log/netflows
# chmod 755 /var/log/netflows
# chown root:wheel /var/log/netflows
Note: the configuration files of flow-tools can be found at /usr/local/etc/flow-tools.
Run flow-capture on Collector:
# /usr/local/bin/flow-capture -n 287 -S 5 -w /var/log/netflows/ 0/0/2055
Note: -S stat_interval log a timestamped message every stat_interval minutes indicating counters such as the number of flows received, packets processed, and lost flows.
Note: -n rotations the number of times a new file per day. -n 287 means 288 samples during all day (every 5 minutes).
Note: 0/0/2055 is LocalIP/RemoteIP/port. Use 0 for any IP address.
Note: -w workdir set the workdir to /var/log/netflows/.
Make sure flow-capture is running:
# ps auxww | grep -i flow-capture
# sockstat | grep flow-cap
Make sure the network interface of the Collector is in promiscuous mode:
# ifconfig em0 | grep -i promisc
# grep -i promisc /var/log/messages
Jun 1 21:10:21 bsd-netflow kernel: em0: promiscuous mode enabled
If the interface is not in promiscuous mode:
# ifconfig em0 promisc
Log Files
When flow-capture is working correctly, data files will be stored in the specified directory, with data split into date folders, such as:
the file naming convention for the incremental files are:
- tmp-v05.YYY-MM-DD.HHMMSS+UTCTZ // temporary file
- ft-v05.YY-MM-DD.HHMMSS+UTCTZ // permanent file
flow-capture will generate a tmp-* file once it is running:
# ps auxww | grep -i flow-capture
# find /var/log/netflows -name 'tmp*'
Note: file begins with tmp-* is a temporary file, which will be moved to ft-* as a permanent file (every 5 minutes in our setting).
Note: v05 means Netflow version 5.
Note: -0700 means UTC (standard time) -7 hours.
Log messages
flow-capture logs its messages, errors to syslog's /var/log/messages which can be monitored.
Export the netflow data from binary to ASCII text file:
# flow-export -f2 -m0x303000 < ft-v05.2013-05-31.174501-0700 > test.txt
Export the netflow data from binary into MySQL with flow-tools:
Create a new database called "netflow", with following table:
CREATE TABLE `flows` ( `FLOW_ID` bigint(32) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `UNIX_SECS` int(32) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `UNIX_NSECS` int(32) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `SYSUPTIME` int(20) NOT NULL, `EXADDR` varchar(16) NOT NULL, `DPKTS` int(32) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `DOCTETS` int(32) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `FIRST` int(32) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `LAST` int(32) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `ENGINE_TYPE` int(10) NOT NULL, `ENGINE_ID` int(15) NOT NULL, `SRCADDR` varchar(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `DSTADDR` varchar(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `NEXTHOP` varchar(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `INPUT` int(16) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `OUTPUT` int(16) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `SRCPORT` int(16) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `DSTPORT` int(16) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `PROT` int(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `TOS` int(2) NOT NULL, `TCP_FLAGS` int(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `SRC_MASK` int(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `DST_MASK` int(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `SRC_AS` int(16) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `DST_AS` int(16) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`FLOW_ID`), KEY `SRCADDR` (`SRCADDR`), KEY `DSTADDR` (`DSTADDR`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
Create a "rotate program" that will actually enter in the information into mysql:
# cat /etc/myscript/flow-mysql-export.sh
/usr/local/bin/flow-export -f3 -u "username:password:localhost:3306:netflow:flows" < /var/log/netflows/$1
Kill the previous flow-capture process:
# ps auxww | grep -i flow-capture
root 13813 0.0 0.5 22588 9628 ?? Ss 5:39PM 0:00.65 /usr/local/bin/flow-capture -w /var/log/netflows -S 5 0/0/2055
# kill 13813
Run flow-capture with mysql-export enabled:
# /usr/local/bin/flow-capture -n 287 -S 5 -w /var/log/netflows -R /etc/myscript/flow-mysql-export.sh 0/0/2055
Run MySQL Query:
mysql> SELECT * FROM netflow.flows;
Note: IP protocol 1 is for ICMP, 6 is for TCP and 17 is for UDP. Refer to the List of IP protocol numbers.
Print the netflow data in human readable format:
# flow-print -p < /var/log/netflows/2013/2013-06/2013-06-01/ft-v05.2013-06-01.215000-0700 | less
Print the netflow data in human readable format:
# flow-cat /var/log/netflows/2013/2013-06/2013-06-01/ft-v05.2013-06-01.220000-0700 | flow-print -f 5 | less
Note: the octets column, one octet equals to 8 bits (one byte).
Print the netflow data with filter:
# flow-cat ft-v05.2013-06-04.161001-0700 | flow-filter -p 53 | flow-print -f 5 | less
Generate reports from the netflow data:
# flow-cat /var/log/netflows/2013/2013-06/2013-06-01/ft-v05.2013-06-01.214000-0700 | flow-report | less
Install FlowViewer:
# cd /usr/ports/net-mgmt/flowviewer
# make config-recursive
# make install
# cd /usr/local/www/flowviewer
# cp FlowViewer_Configuration.pm.dist FlowViewer_Configuration.pm
You can find additional information in the:
# less /usr/local/share/doc/flowviewer/README
Alternative tool to export the netflow data:
p5-Cflow is a perl module for analyzing raw flow files written by cflowd, a package used to collect Cisco NetFlow data.
# cd /usr/ports/net-mgmt/p5-Cflow/
# make install clean
# flowdumper -s ft-v05.2013-05-31.174151-0700
# flowdumper -v ft-v05.2013-05-31.174151-0700
# flowdumper -V ft-v05.2013-05-31.174151-0700
Install nfsen:
# cd /usr/ports/net-mgmt/nfsen
# make config-recursive
check NFTRACK - with PortTracker support.
# make install
%sources = (
'mysrv' => { 'port' => '2055', 'col' => '#0000ff', 'type' => 'netflow' },
Note: mysrv needs to be resolvable to the IP address of the netflow source device (add record in /etc/hosts file).
Note: check directory and file permission!!!
# cd /usr/local/www/apache22/data
# ln -s /usr/local/www/nfsen nfsen
# less /usr/ports/net-mgmt/nfsen/work/nfsen-1.3.6p1/contrib/PortTracker/INSTALL
# mkdir /usr/local/var/nfsen/portdb
# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/nfsen restart
network monitor bandwidth usage log tools:
Icinga (a fork of Nagios)
PRTG Network Monitor - Windows GUI implementation of MRTG's functionality (limited freeware version available).
Darkstat - realtime network statistics. It also offers bandwidth graphs for an interface, as well as traffic to/from specific IP addresses.
RRDtool - Reimplementation of MRTG's graphing and logging features
Cacti - A similar tool using RRDtool
Observium - A heavily automated platform for network graphing using RRDtool
Netflow - Netflow is another option for bandwidth usage analysis. Netflow is a standard means of traffic accounting supported by many routers and firewalls. You need a Netflow collector running on a host inside your network to collect the data. pfSense can export Netflow data to the collector using the pfflowd package, or softflowd.
ntop - If you need even more detail than that, you might need the ntop package. It will even track where connections were made by local PCs, and how much bandwidth was used on individual connections.
vnstat - is another bandwidth monitoring tool available to install as a package. See the Vnstat doc for more information.
sysmon - A network tool designed for high performance and accurate monitoring.
建置Sysmon輕便型網路監控告警系統 http://www.netadmin.com.tw/article_content.aspx?sn=1103030012
pftop - is a small, curses-based utility for real-time display of active states and rule statistics for pf, the packet filter (for OpenBSD).
Note: Then press the following: 7, Shift +R (Capital R) , s, 1
7 is speed screen
Shift R is sort by RATE
s, 1 is setting refresh to 1 second.
h for help.
q for quit.
bandwidthd - tracks usage of TCP/IP network subnets and builds HTML files with graphs to display network utilization. Charts are built by individual IP.
Under Console:
The fork of nagios to icinga is a good thing, much in the same way as quagga was a great fork of zebra.
Icinga (a fork of Nagios)
PRTG Network Monitor - Windows GUI implementation of MRTG's functionality (limited freeware version available).
Darkstat - realtime network statistics. It also offers bandwidth graphs for an interface, as well as traffic to/from specific IP addresses.
RRDtool - Reimplementation of MRTG's graphing and logging features
Cacti - A similar tool using RRDtool
Observium - A heavily automated platform for network graphing using RRDtool
Netflow - Netflow is another option for bandwidth usage analysis. Netflow is a standard means of traffic accounting supported by many routers and firewalls. You need a Netflow collector running on a host inside your network to collect the data. pfSense can export Netflow data to the collector using the pfflowd package, or softflowd.
ntop - If you need even more detail than that, you might need the ntop package. It will even track where connections were made by local PCs, and how much bandwidth was used on individual connections.
vnstat - is another bandwidth monitoring tool available to install as a package. See the Vnstat doc for more information.
sysmon - A network tool designed for high performance and accurate monitoring.
建置Sysmon輕便型網路監控告警系統 http://www.netadmin.com.tw/article_content.aspx?sn=1103030012
pftop - is a small, curses-based utility for real-time display of active states and rule statistics for pf, the packet filter (for OpenBSD).
Note: Then press the following: 7, Shift +R (Capital R) , s, 1
7 is speed screen
Shift R is sort by RATE
s, 1 is setting refresh to 1 second.
h for help.
q for quit.
bandwidthd - tracks usage of TCP/IP network subnets and builds HTML files with graphs to display network utilization. Charts are built by individual IP.
Under Console:
- iptraf
- trafshow
- iftop
- nload
- ifstat
- systat -ifstat 1
The fork of nagios to icinga is a good thing, much in the same way as quagga was a great fork of zebra.
segmentation fault core dump
A segmentation fault occurs when a program tried to access memory it has not been told it can use by the OS. Memory is split into segments. If a program tries to read or write a memory address from a segment it has not been allocated, the OS sends a signal (SIGSEGV) to the process, telling it "naughty boy!", and by default the process falls over with this error message.
"core dumped" means the state of the program is written to a file called "core". This is helpful for debuggers which can read the core file and work out where the program crashed, the values in the variables, registers, what was on the stack and so on.
When you use scanf, you have to pass the memory address into which the input will be written by the scanf function. You passed the value of the integer "age". age is probably 0 or some random number at the point scanf gets it (it hasn't been assigned to, so officially it's value is undefined). This random value is almost certainly not a memory address in a segment which has been allocated to the program, hence the segmentation fault. The correction paulsm4 provided shows the syntax specifying the address of the integer "age".
Addresses and pointers to variables is a tricky subject to start with. Don't worry - you'll get a lot of core dumps before you think you understand it, and then a whole lot more before you actually understand it.
"core dumped" means the state of the program is written to a file called "core". This is helpful for debuggers which can read the core file and work out where the program crashed, the values in the variables, registers, what was on the stack and so on.
When you use scanf, you have to pass the memory address into which the input will be written by the scanf function. You passed the value of the integer "age". age is probably 0 or some random number at the point scanf gets it (it hasn't been assigned to, so officially it's value is undefined). This random value is almost certainly not a memory address in a segment which has been allocated to the program, hence the segmentation fault. The correction paulsm4 provided shows the syntax specifying the address of the integer "age".
Addresses and pointers to variables is a tricky subject to start with. Don't worry - you'll get a lot of core dumps before you think you understand it, and then a whole lot more before you actually understand it.
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