Thursday, January 12, 2012

To mount a remote Microsoft shared samba SMB / CIFS directories folders

To mount a remote Microsoft shared samba SMB / CIFS directories folders
# mkdir /path/to/local/mnt
# mount_smbfs -f 400 -d 500 -I //Username@NetBIOS-Server-Name/SharedFolder /path/to/local/mnt

-I // Do not use NetBIOS name resolver and connect directly to host, which can be either a valid DNS name or an IP address.

Avoid password prompt:

Use smbutil to generate encrypted password:
# smbutil crypt MyPassword

You need to create a ~/.nsmbrc file as follows:
# vim ~/.nsmbrc

Set username and password as follows:


Now mount the directory as follows:
# mount_smbfs -N -I //Username@NetBIOS-Server-Name/SharedFolder /path/to/local/mnt

The -N option forces to read a password from ~/.nsmbrc file. At run time, mount_smbfs reads the ~/.nsmbrc file for additional configuration parameters and a password. If no password is found, mount_smbfs prompts for it. You need to use the -N option while writing a shell script.

Mount the shared folder on system startup

mount_smbfs does not make the mount permanent. If the FreeBSD system is rebooted, you will have to mount the share again. To make the mount occur each time you start the FreeBSD system, you can put an entry in your /etc/fstab file. An example file would look like this:

//myUser@serverName/mySharedFolder /mnt/mySharedFolder smbfs rw,-N,-I192.168.1.1 0 0

If the share is password protected, don't forget to create ~/.nsmbrc with your usename and password.

Note: ~/.nsmbrc Keeps static parameters for connections and other information. See /usr/share/examples/smbfs/dot.nsmbrc for details.

Note: man mount_smbfs

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