Thursday, January 6, 2011

Find UNIX files modified within a number of days

Find UNIX files modified within a number of days

My Note (to check there is no bad code (Code injection) in files)

cat /dev/null > ${badcode_file}

echo "===== [base64_decode] ======" >> ${badcode_file}

find /www/ -not -path '*/.svn/*' -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -Inle 'base64_decode' >> ${badcode_file}

echo "===== [eval] ======" >> ${badcode_file}

find /www/ -not -path '*/.svn/*' -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -Inle 'eval' >> ${badcode_file}

echo "===== [modified within three days] ======" >> ${badcode_file}

find /www/ -mtime -3d -not -path '*/.svn/*' -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -Inle 'eval' >> ${badcode_file}

cat ${badcode_file}


To find all files modified within the last 3 days, excluding .svn related files.
# find /www/ -mtime -3d -not -path '*/.svn/*' -type f

To find all files modified within the last 5 days:
# find /www/ -mtime -5 -print

Note: The – in front of the 5 modifies the meaning of the time as "less than five days".

Note: the trailing slash of a directory is necessary if the directory is a symbolic link (ex: /www/).

To find all files modified modified more than five days ago.
# find /www/ -mtime +5 -print

To find all files modified exactly five days ago.
# find /www/ -mtime 5 -print

Note: Without the + or -, the command would find files with a modification time of five days ago, not less or more.

Possible time units are as follows:
s       second
m       minute (60 seconds)
h       hour (60 minutes)
d       day (24 hours)
w       week (7 days)


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