Monday, August 4, 2008

True Image Notes

True Image

1. Big parition (Source) to Small partition (destination) is okay as long as the total space of the destination parition is larger than the used space of the source partition.

2. Figure out the difference between "Acronis Bootable Agent" the boot agent and "Acronis True Image Echo Enterprise Server" (After booting from True Image's bootable CD, there are these options)

Acronis Bootable Agent is currently running. Now you can connect to this computer remotely with Acronis True Image Management Console.

3. There are three ways to convert the physical machine to the virtual machine. First way, using VMware converter to cold clone the physical machine. Second way is to use VMware converter to conver the existing *.tib file (true image) to VMware files. Third way is using the True Image built-in tool to convert it to VMware files.

4 剛試用 True Image Echo Enterprise Server with Universal Restore ,好讚

主要是嘗試 Universal Restore 這個功能,它是可以幫助 在 主機 A clone 下來的 image 拿到 主機 B or 其它 主機 上 還原 而 不會 有 藍色畫面 ( Windows XP 系統 換 硬體 / 主機板 時 會有的問題),剛試過,可以成功轉移

我分別在 physical machine and virtual machine restore 都 okay

然後 它 也可以 預先 把 想要另外載入的 drivers ( 如 RAID, SCSI, etc ) 一併包裝一起

David: 這個 就是加inf跟相關驅動程式檔案到系統目錄呀

呵,因為好多年前 曾遇過這樣的問題 (裝好系統的 硬碟 換個主機 就不能用了),然後一直沒有想把它解決,今天睡著睡著 突然 好想來試看看,才意外發現 True Image 的 Universal Restore 這個 add on 有這功能 ^^||

5. some links

Windows SRV 備援&備份


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