Saturday, July 31, 2010

TIO Young Professional Association

About TIO
Our Missions

To foster and strengthen network for our members;
To facilitate professional development for our members;
To promote balanced life styles;
To involve in local community functions;

TIO Young Professional Association is an organization for young professionals and working individuals who reside and work in Canada. While the majority of the members are Taiwanese-Canadians, TIO's member-base is consisted of individuals from diverse backgrounds.

Our Target Groups

Most of our members were born in Taiwan or other parts of Asia, educated in North America, and are currently working in the Greater Vancouver area. Although the word “professional” usually refers only to those who have a professional designation, such as lawyers, accountants, doctors, engineers, etc., TIO deems all those who have entered the work force or graduate/professional school programs on full-time basis as part of our “professional” group.

Completion of Post-Secondary Education
Working full-time
Enrolled in graduate school or professional school.

Professional Subgroups

We have established 8 professional subgroups to provide members the opportunity to have more interactions with other members from their profession:

ACE (Art, Culture & Education)
AFA (Accouting, Finance & Administration)
BRED (Building & Real Estate Development)
CompIT (Computer & IT)
EngSci (Engineering & Science)
GPL (Governemnt, Politics & Legal)
HealthPro (Health Care Professionals)
HEaT (Hospitality, Entertainment & Tourism)
MaRS (Marketing, Retails & Sales)

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