Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Difference Between getcwd() and dirname(__FILE__) ? Which should I use?

Difference Between getcwd() and dirname(__FILE__) ? Which should I use?

__FILE__ is a magic constant containing the full path to the file you are executing. If you are inside an include, its path will be the contents of __FILE__.

So with this setup:

echo getcwd() ,"\n";
echo dirname(__FILE__),"\n" ;
echo '-------',"\n";
include 'bar/bar.php';

echo getcwd(),"\n";
echo dirname(__FILE__),"\n";

You get this output (Windows / Zend Studio Debugger):


On FreeBSD:

# php foo.php

Appearantly, getcwd() returns the CURRENT directory where the file you started executing resided, while dirname(__FILE__) is file-dependant.

Note: for getcwd(), if you put your script in /tmp/test.php, but you started executing that script in / the root directory, getcwd() will return / instead of /tmp

echo getcwd();

Running the script from /tmp, returns /tmp
root@host [/tmp] # php test.php

While, running the script from /, returns /
root@host [/] # php /tmp/test.php

So, please be aware of the difference.

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