Thursday, June 20, 2013

Debug Lecture

Debug Lecture


1. overview

 why bugs?
 bugs happen due to 
  human carelessness
  time pressure
  entropy and chaos
   jurassic park ...  (your bug is a T-rex ...)

 the human brain
  don't underestimate the subconscious problem solving mechanism
  think about the problem
  what do you know
  binary search ...  when you are befuddled
   divide and conquer
  "all your assumptions are invalid"
    Joe Maybee
  don't whine too much
   "the o.s./compiler is broke"...  
   it happens, but it isn't the 1st case
  occam's razor

 superior engineers are willing and able to go to the next level
  down (note: black boxes are a fine theory for blaming
   problems on other people ...)

 you have to look inside the hood

2. tools 
 sw engineering ...
  code walkthrus
  not our concern ... so much, but having other people
   look at your code can do wonders

 code analysis ...
    printf pros/cons
      you use it because that is all you know
      you are modifying the code and may introduce
     more bugs
     even in the printf statements

3. theory of debuggers
 what is a debugger for?
  peering at runtime behavior
  not debugging but observing
   debugger is at keyboard

 very high-level observations
  programs run at mega instructions per sec.
  we have to STOP them to try and understand
   look at runtime environment
   *this doesn't make sense* (but we have no
    better model)

  interpreted versus machine-code/compiled
   interpreted can be built into interpreter
    example: perl -d

  compiled/assembled more complex
   includes machine-supported instruction set
   compiler symbol table
    map C/C++ line to machine code
   runtime process envirornment
     functions on stack
    heap (malloc'ed memory)
    text segment
    data segment
   compiler/linker (virtual memory)/cpu instructions/
    debugger/o.s. interactions
  keep in mind limitations discovered via physics/C.S. 
   this century

   Heisenberg - if you measure it, you modify its
   Godel - mathematical black boxes are an abstraction;
    i.e. your computer can catch on fire.
   Turing - you can't write a program that will find
    all the HALT possibilities; i.e., there will
    always be one more bug.
 all debuggers are alike
  one program want to control another program's execution
   even down to the machine instruction level
   one instruction or HLL statement at a time
  see the other program's memory spaces
  possibly change other program's memory spaces
   consider multi-user o.s. protection models ...
  basically you set breakpoints/run/see what happened
   and *think*

  for machine/compiled code,  we need to be able to somehow
   say STOP here and return control to debugger

  breakpoint is typically a special instruction inserted by
   magic into the code that causes a sw trap
   and sends a "interrupt" to the debugger

  often text is modified ...  

 debugger modes
  single thread
   UNIX debugger execution model
    debugger is parent of debuggee child
  parallel (tasks or threads)
   unix attach
   depends on o.s. and debugger IPC models
  kernel (tricky ...  See Heisenberg)
   2 cpus with one under the control of the other

 the debugger cycle

the debug cycle in gdb terms:

 0.  think ...  analyze the problem
  what do you know about the problem.
  what do you NOT KNOW about the problem.
 1.  set a breakpoint 
   (gdb) break  line/function
 2.  run it to the breakpoint
   (gdb) run  or cont
OR singlestep with step/next
 3.  analyse (and try again) 
  analyze the stack
   (gdb) bt
  analyze the variables
   (gdb) print  x
  analyze where you are code wise (list)
   (gdb) list 
    list main
    list 101

core variation
 not rm -f core

 1. jim, he's dead ...  (there is no runtime phase)

 2. fireup the debugger on the core module
  % gdb mybomb core  

  3.  analyze as above
  (gdb) bt  <----------- the big ticket item

Note *where* the program died.  You can run the program now
too and often you want to do that and try to run it to the
point (just before) where it seems to do, and then step to/thru
the "spot of death".

Note:  you need to turn core dump on if off

 % ulimit -a  <--- to check
 % ulimit -c unlimited  <---- to turn on

attach variation:  see handout
gdb  (this is a checklist)

 .a little history (very little)
 .basic commands (Appendix 1, see below)
 .debugging C++
 .debugging parallel processes
  use windows ...  one gdb, one thread/process
 .core debugging (above)
 .attach debugging (see handout)

Appendix 1:

gdb commands by function - simple guide
More important commands have a (*) by them.

% gdb -help        print startup help, show switches
*% gdb object         normal debug 
*% gdb object core        core debug (must specify core file)
%% gdb object pid        attach to running process
% gdb        use file command to load object 

*(gdb) help        list command classes
(gdb) help running        list commands in one command class
(gdb) help run        bottom-level help for a command "run" 
(gdb) help info        list info commands (running program state)
(gdb) help info line        help for a particular info command
(gdb) help show        list show commands (gdb state)
(gdb) help show commands        specific help for a show command

*(gdb) break main        set a breakpoint on a function
*(gdb) break 101        set a breakpoint on a line number
*(gdb) break basic.c:101        set breakpoint at file and line (or function)
*(gdb) info breakpoints        show breakpoints
*(gdb) delete 1        delete a breakpoint by number
(gdb) delete        delete all breakpoints (prompted)
(gdb) clear        delete breakpoints at current line
(gdb) clear function        delete breakpoints at function
(gdb) clear line        delete breakpoints at line
(gdb) disable 2        turn a breakpoint off, but don't remove it
(gdb) enable 2        turn disabled breakpoint back on
(gdb) tbreak function|line        set a temporary breakpoint
(gdb) commands break-no ... end        set gdb commands with breakpoint
(gdb) ignore break-no count        ignore bpt N-1 times before activation
(gdb) condition break-no expression         break only if condition is true
(gdb) condition 2 i == 20         example: break on breakpoint 2 if i equals 20
(gdb) watch expression        set software watchpoint on variable
(gdb) info watchpoints        show current watchpoints

Running the program
*(gdb) run        run the program with current arguments
*(gdb) run args redirection        run with args and redirection
(gdb) set args args...        set arguments for run 
(gdb) show args        show current arguments to run
*(gdb) cont        continue the program
*(gdb) step         single step the program; step into functions
(gdb) step count        singlestep \fIcount\fR times
*(gdb) next        step but step over functions 
(gdb) next count        next \fIcount\fR times
*(gdb) CTRL-C        actually SIGINT, stop execution of current program 
*(gdb) attach process-id        attach to running program
*(gdb) detach        detach from running program
*(gdb) finish        finish current function's execution
(gdb) kill        kill current executing program 

Stack backtrace
*(gdb) bt        print stack backtrace
(gdb) frame        show current execution position
(gdb) up        move up stack trace  (towards main)
(gdb) down        move down stack trace (away from main)
*(gdb) info locals        print automatic variables in frame
(gdb) info args        print function parameters 

Browsing source
*(gdb) list 101        list 10 lines around line 101
*(gdb) list 1,10         list lines 1 to 10
*(gdb) list main  list lines around function 
*(gdb) list basic.c:main        list from another file basic.c
*(gdb) list -        list previous 10 lines
(gdb) list *0x22e4        list source at address
(gdb) cd dir        change current directory to \fIdir\fR
(gdb) pwd          print working directory
(gdb) search regexpr        forward current for regular expression
(gdb) reverse-search regexpr        backward search for regular expression
(gdb) dir dirname        add directory to source path
(gdb) dir        reset source path to nothing
(gdb) show directories        show source path

Browsing Data
*(gdb) print expression        print expression, added to value history
*(gdb) print/x expressionR        print in hex
(gdb) print array[i]@count        artificial array - print array range
(gdb) print $        print last value
(gdb) print *$->next        print thru list
(gdb) print $1        print value 1 from value history
(gdb) print ::gx        force scope to be global
(gdb) print 'basic.c'::gx        global scope in named file (>=4.6)
(gdb) print/x &main        print address of function
(gdb) x/countFormatSize address        low-level examine command
(gdb) x/x &gx        print gx in hex
(gdb) x/4wx &main    print 4 longs at start of \fImain\fR in hex
(gdb) x/gf &gd1      print double
(gdb) help x        show formats for x
*(gdb) info locals        print local automatics only
(gdb) info functions regexp        print function names
(gdb) info variables  regexp        print global variable names
*(gdb) ptype name        print type definition
(gdb) whatis expression       print type of expression
*(gdb) set variable = expression        assign value
(gdb) display expression        display expression result at stop
(gdb) undisplay        delete displays
(gdb) info display        show displays
(gdb) show values        print value history (>= gdb 4.0)
(gdb) info history        print value history (gdb 3.5)

Object File manipulation
(gdb) file object        load new file for debug (sym+exec)
(gdb) file object -readnow        no incremental symbol load
(gdb) file       discard sym+exec file info
(gdb) symbol-file object        load only symbol table
(gdb) exec-file object        specify object to run (not sym-file)
(gdb) core-file core        post-mortem debugging

Signal Control
(gdb) info signals        print signal setup
(gdb) handle signo actions         set debugger actions for signal
(gdb) handle INT print        print message when signal occurs
(gdb) handle INT noprint        don't print message
(gdb) handle INT stop        stop program when signal occurs
(gdb) handle INT nostop        don't stop program
(gdb) handle INT pass        allow program to receive signal
(gdb) handle INT nopass        debugger catches signal; program doesn't
(gdb) signal signo        continue and send signal to program
(gdb) signal 0        continue and send no signal to program

Machine-level Debug
(gdb) info registers        print registers sans floats
(gdb) info all-registers        print all registers
(gdb) print/x $pc        print one register
(gdb) stepi        single step at machine level
(gdb) si        single step at machine level
(gdb) nexti        single step (over functions) at machine level
(gdb) ni        single step (over functions) at machine level
(gdb) display/i $pc        print current instruction in display
(gdb) x/x &gx        print variable gx in hex
(gdb) info line 22        print addresses for object code for line 22
(gdb) info line *0x2c4e        print line number of object code at address
(gdb) x/10i main        disassemble first 10 instructions in \fImain\fR
(gdb) disassemble addr        dissassemble code for function around addr

History Display
(gdb) show commands        print command history (>= gdb 4.0)
(gdb) info editing       print command history (gdb 3.5)
(gdb) ESC-CTRL-J        switch to vi edit mode from emacs edit mode
(gdb) set history expansion on       turn on c-shell like history
(gdb) break class::member       set breakpoint on class member. may get menu
(gdb) list class::member        list member in class
(gdb) ptype class               print class members
(gdb) print *this        print contents of this pointer
(gdb) rbreak regexpr     useful for breakpoint on overloaded member name

(gdb) define command ... end        define user command
*(gdb) RETURN        repeat last command
*(gdb) shell command args        execute shell command 
*(gdb) source file        load gdb commands from file
*(gdb) quit        quit gdb

Appendix 2:

Henry Spencer - 10 commandments for C programmers 
Commandments copyright (c) 1988 Henry Spencer, University of Toronto.
Used by permission.

1.  Thou shalt run lint frequently and study its pronouncements
with care, for verily its perception and judgement oft exceed thine.
(Modern amendment: use ANSI C with prototypes where possible).

2.  Thou shalt not follow the NULL pointer, for chaos and madness await
thee at its end.

3.  Thou shalt cast all function arguments to the expected type if they
are not of that type already, even when thou art convinced that
this is unnecessary, lest they take cruel vengeance upon thee
when thou least expect it.

4.  If thy header files fail to declare the return types of thy library
functions, thou shalt declare them thyself with the most meticulous
care, lest grevious harm befall thy program.

5. Thou shalt check the array bounds of all strings (indeed, all arrays),
for surely where thou typest *foo* someone someday shall type

6.  If a function be advertised to return an error code in the event of
difficulties, thou shalt check for that code, yea, even though the
checks triple the size of thy code and produce aches in thy
typing fingers, for if thou thinkest "it cannot happen to me," the
gods shall surely punish thee for thy arrogance.

7.  Thou shalt study the libraries and strive not to re-invent them without
cause, that thy code may be short and readable and thy days pleasant
and productive.

8. Thou shalt make thy program's purpose and structure clear to
thy fellow man by using the One True Brace Style*, even if thou
likest it not, for thy creativity is better used in solving problems
than in creating beautiful new impediments to understanding.

*(The One True Brace Style is the style of program layout demonstrated
in K & R).

.9 Thy external identifiers shall be unique in the first six characters,
though this harsh discipline be irksome and the years of its necessity
stretch before thee seemingly without end, lest thou tear thy hair out
and go mad on that fateful day when thou desirest to make thy program 
run on an old system.

.10 Thou shalt foreswear, renounce, and abjure the vile heresy which
claimeth that "All the world's a VAX", and have no commerce with
the benighted heathens who cling to this barbarous belief, that
the days of thy program may be long even though the days of thy
current machine be short.  (Programs should be written to be portable 
and with the assumption that the software will outlast the current
JRB's supplementary rules:
1.  Every open(2) should have an equal and opposite
close(2).  Likewise, every fopen(3) should have a matching  
fclose(3), and every malloc(3) should have a matching free(3).

2.  ALWAYS be careful about NULL pointers and arguments to function calls
that take strings.  Use assertions for dealing with NULL pointers. 
See assert(3) for details.

3. Be particularly careful with routines that can
"accidentally" overwrite data or stack regions; avoid using these routines
if possible.  For example, use fgets() rather than gets().
strncpy(3) instead of strcpy(2).  Put limits in routines that you write.

4.  Be careful with kernel calls, especially with pointers to buffers.
The kernel blindly believes what you tell it and can easily overwrite
parts of your stack or data space. If so, core dump.
Something like this can happen to you:
 int fd[1];
 int x;  <---- why is this here?

5.  never ignore information the system gives you; segmentation
violations are important, and give you a lot of information about what's
going wrong (even more if you use the debugger to look at a core
dump).  Don't rm -f core without making an attempt to determine
what happened.
 % gdb myproggoesboom core
 (gdb) bt

6.  Always check the error return code on system calls and library
calls.  Read the man pages often and carefully.  Write them
with care too.  If you write man pages, include examples.
(Dangerously different...).

7.  NEVER make assumptions like "This malloc could never fail."
Of course it could.  Similar assumptions include "This
file has to exist, so of course, the open can't fail.
(Check out the access(2) call.)  Well-written programs
have a lot of error-checking code.

8. C programming style on UNIX is like this:
function foo
 weed out error possibility A
 weed out error possibility B
 do the function

Pascal is like this:
 if (not A)
  if (not B)
   do the function

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