Thursday, August 27, 2009

Is there an easy way to rebuild everything (kernel, base system and installed ports) without IPv6 support?

Is there an easy way to rebuild everything (kernel, base system and installed ports) without IPv6 support?

"NO_IPv6" hook in make.conf or something similar?

Create / update your /etc/src.conf file with the following:


Once done; do make buildworld

make buildworld && make buildkernel && make installkernel

See handbook build world chapter and

Yes, do check out the proper way of building kernel and world, because the suggested order is incomplete. See /usr/src/Makefile for the 11-point list you should use.

Yes, thank you for pointing this out. I saw "make delete-old-libs" last night. My first rebuild was up to point #10 as it's shown /usr/src/UPDATING.

...Addition: Something is not clear. "delete-old" includes "delete-old-[files,dirs,libs]". Is point #11 redundant?

delete-old does *not* remove library files. delete-old-libs has to be run separately in order to delete library files.

I've just finished rebuilding world without IPv6 and saw that. Even though /usr/src/Makefile states:
"delete-old: deletes obsolete Directories/Files/Libraries"
issuing "make delete-old-libs" after "make delete-old" cleared some additional files.

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